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The Doarine ofMortification: 37 a delight in them ; that is, it muffrejoycethe foule when any opportunity is offered whereby any ho- ly duty May bee performed. But on the contra- ry, when Wee grow remiífe in prayer, or in any other duty, the devill takes an . occafion by this to forceus to force firm ; hereupon wee prefept- ly yeeld, becaufe wee want ftrength of grace, which by the neglect of that duty wee are weake in. Wee know force phyficke is for reftoring, as Simile :_ well as for weakening, thereby to preferve the ftrengthof the body ; now this walking in the adi_ ons of the new man, is to prcferve the ftrength of the foule, it preferves . fpirituall life in a man, it enables him to fight againft Corruption , and Rifts ; for what is that which weakens the foule, but the aäions of the oldman a Therefore if you would mortifie your hats , you mull walke in .the Spirit. The fifth meanes , if you would mortifie your meanes.Faith lufts, is this, you mutt get Faith : fo faith the A- ratlle, Ails 9. Faithpuri freth the heart ; that is, Ats's` rt flayeth tlae corruption of the heart, it mortifies every inordinatedefire of the heart, it purgeth out the filthineffeof our nature, it makesit a newheart in quality ; that is, it makes it fit to receive grace, and who would not have a heart thus fitted to good ? Againe, It is Paid, .Fphef. 3. 17. that chr f Ephef.3..1 may dwellih your hearts byFaith : as if heefhould fay, Faith will purgetheheart ; forwhere Faithis,Chriít is,and Chriftwill not dwell in a rotten heart, that is impure, andnot in fozne meafure fanlificd by the Spirit. F 3 But