Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDoarineof Mortification- : 39 darkeneffe oftheminde, andmakes it to looke and to feeChrift in a more excellent manner than before, al- luringhimofperfeóJultification,and remiflzonofhis finnes. And herethe errorofmany is met withall, in the Error about matter of Mortification ; theywill have Mortificad- mortìfication on firft wrought, and then they will lay holdupon `off uteri, Chrift for remiílionoffinnes: Oh, fay they,ifI could but finde this finne, or that finne mortified, then I would layholduponChrif}, then I would beleeve ; foralas, how can I looke for remiffionoffinnes, how dare I layhold, or how can I layhold uponChriff, when I finde that mycorruptions have fuch holdon mee e But thefe are deceived, for this is contrary to theworke of the Spirit : for firft, Faith affltreth of pardon, and then foliowes Mortification ; that is, whena man isonce afiured ofpardon of finne, then heebeginnestomortifie, and to flayhis corruption ; for Mortification is afruitofFaith : and therefore the Apoítle faith, Phil.3 . r o. That Imay feele thepower of hisdeath,and the vertrieofhisrefàrraion : Nowwhat is meant by thisbut thetwoparrs ofrepentance, Morti- fication andVivification i? The Apoftlebeleeved be- fore, andnow he wouldhave his faith appeare inthe graceofMortification, that he might fenfibly feeleir. And therefore, if you wouldhaveyour finnes mor- tified, you m°aít by Faith draw Chrift into your hearts. The fxthmeanes, if you would haveyour firmes 6 mortified, is to get fpirituallJoy. But this may feeme call L"' ßs21' a ftrange thingto mortifiecorruption by ; a manor a woman would ratherthinke that this were a meanes to