Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

44 TheMarineofMortification. Apoflefaith, z Pet. r.3. A cordmm to hisdivine power he Tact<1.ig. hatbgivenus all things that is, by hisdivinenature we 1. all come to theknowledge of the Faith : now that . which is contrary tothe Spirir,andthe knowledgeof him, . is made upby thefe bafe affeEtions, evenas the . body is made upand complete by its members. Risen 2. Secondly, they are called members becaufe thefe bafe affedtions doe the adtions of the unregenerate part, evenas themembers ofthebodydoe theactions ofthebody.;. for they receive into the heart all man- ner offinne,and thence theyfend .bafe affedtions int a allthereftofthe faculties... /Won 3 Thirdly, they are calledmembers, becaufe theyare weaponsofunrighteoufne ;for fo theApoftle cals them, even as thead-dons ofthe new manare called the wea- pons ofriihteoufnlfe ; that is,thecare or theactionsof thenewman. Nowweknow thatit is tfiepropertyof onemeìnber to fight.forthegoodof another; as wee fee, one .memberwill fufferit felfe tobeecut off, and feparatedfrom thebodie forthegoodofthe reft ; and foit is in likemannerwith thefe,för all will j oyne to- gether for, themortifying offinone inanother. Onthe other fide, thefe weapons ofunrighteoufneffe, they fight for oneanotheragainftgrace,theyarecareful' to perforate theaéìions oftheoldnaan, fulfill eve- ry lull ofthe fiefh.. imp,' 4., Fourthly, theyare calledmembers, becaufe they are asdeare unto theheart,as any memberis unto the bo- dy,and therefore in Scripture they arecalled-theright ÿ ha3,r9.' band;and;the right eye, .&.5. 29 that is,they are as dear and ,f ickeas dole' untotheheart,and willas hardly be feparated.fromit,al thenear&and deareft member of the -...----- --