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TheMarble o fMortification. 51 Map, onely bya common Illumination, but nowhee fees them by the fpeciall Illumination ofthe Spirit through gaace : And therefore the Apoftle faith, r Cor.2.9. Theeye bath notfeene, nor thecareheard, nei- I COT. :, 9; therbath itentred into theheart of' man to conceive of tbofe opened, things that Godbath prepared for them that love him : Howfoever this placeof Scripture beegenerally ex- pounded and underftood of the joyesof heaven, yet, in myopinion, it is much miítaken ; for by this place is meantthofe fpirituall objects that are fhowne unto a man whenthe Spiritbeginnes firt} toenlightenhim ; theeye bathnotfeene ; that is, whichit hath not feene ina right manner neverfaw them in fuchaman- neras now they are fhowne unto him,he now fees hea- venly things inanother manner, he fees Juftification inanother manner then before, hee fees renaiffion of times inanother manner than before . fo likewifehee fees finne in another hew than before ; for nowhe fees remiffionoffinnes follow them as amedicineto heale them: Againe, hee fees Jufifiçation and Kemifïion of fnnes inanother hew, he fees them in an higher man- ner then before, hefees them now as futable tohim- felfe, andneceffary to falvation before he faw them as good, but now he fees themas molt excellent. As it is with a man that is well, fo it is with aman that is Simile not regenerated : now tell amanthat is well, ofBal- fome and Cordials, what reftoratives theyare, and what good theywill doe to the:body, yet hee will not liftenunto them becaufe he iswellandneeds them not ; but tell themuntoa man that is ficke and difea- fed,ke willgive adiligenteare unto thembecaufe they are futable for his difeafe fo it is with a fpirituall.. H z man