Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDoérini óf ortifcatin .yx; and fo farre as the minde is enlightned, fo farre is the will enlightened, and not only that,` but the reft of the faculties are enlightened accor- dingly. But you mayagain fay unto mee, If thislight (24. 3. which you fpeake of be feated in the mind, thenhow farre Both this light redound unto the rellóf theEt- culties, feeing the other feeme not tobe fenfible of this light, becaufe many times there is fuch rebellions in them e To this I anfwer, Thatearthly andheavenlymin- 9nfh 63 e dednefï'e is feated in theunderifanding, will or mind of a man : as fdr example; ALanthorneis thepro- simile. per feat of aCandle, . now it receives not the Candle for it felfe, neither keepes it the light to it felfe, but it receivesit in to preferve light, and to commu- nicate it to others ; even fo loth theunderilanding, it doth not onely receive light for it felfe alone, but by preferving of ir, it doth communicate his light to the goodof the reft of thefaculties : fo the Apoftle faith, To are begotten by the word ofTruth, Dynesi. 18. Now Truth is properly in theunderstan- ding, it is firfl there, and thence it Both communi- cateunto the reft of the . faculties by redundance ; I fay by redundance, but not by infufion; that is, the light that is in the underllanding doth redound to the enlightningof reft, but it is conveyed to therefit by theSpirit,andfo a manis renewed. Nowforthe better explayning of this, wee (hail How theUn,:*' de flewhow the underflanding being enlightned, may enlçhtned doe good untothe rat of the fcultes, may doe good to the refit of H 3 Firfl, the facukie ...