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TheDoêrineofHortificativn. 55 theybecome affeCed with them, and foare turned by the Reafon. Fourthly, it maydoe much good by the rulingof them, for the underftanding is the fuperiourfaculty of the foule, and therefore it becomes a guideunto the reff : now if theunderffanding be enlightned (as I told you) it doth communicatehis light byredundan- cy unto the reff of the faculties, then it muff needs follow that the underffanding being enlightned truly withgrace, andtheother faculties partak ing thereof, theymutt needs be ruled by it. Every inferiour is ru- ledby his faperiour, or at leaft fhould be fo ; fo every faculty fhould be fubordinate unto theminde : now if therebe a rebellion in them, it is the diforder of the foule, as the other is the diforder of the State.' Thus much for theexplainingof thefe points,namely,what it is tobe earthlyminded, and whatit isto be heaven- lyminded. The firft Ufe then thall be, to reprove fharply fuch rife i. asfavour themembers of this body, and are inordi- nately affectedwith thisearthlymindedneffe, fuch al- foascannot deny thee members any thing that is pleafant unto them, whereas they fhould be fuppref- fed andmortifiedby the Spirit. The rich man feeds thefe members with his riches, thecovetous manwith his covetoufneffe, theproud manwith his pride, and theambitious manwith hisvaine-glory,whenas thefe are theirgreateff enemies, howfoever theyare couze- ned by them ; but iftheydidbutknow, iftheywere buttruly enlightnedwithgrace, they would perceive theevill ofthefe members, and how great an enemy this earthly mindedneffe wereunto them, and then they