Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The DoUrinee fMortific4tion: 57 ries, Grace and Chrift, with finneand theworld, and fo ecciipfeth theexcellencie ofthe_onewith thebafe- neffeofthe other : As when gold and droffe areming- sinaii led, thebafeneffe of theone Both corrupt the other, fo as the excellencythereof dothnot appeare ; but minglegold with filver, orlet it be alone, and then it keepes his excellency;and is not ecclipfed : even fo, whena man is earthlyminded, andhis affections are fet uponbafeobje&&, with that enlightned knowledge he hath, hemingled' anignobleandbafe objed toge- ther, and fo lofeth theexcellency of it. Now there is nothing that can makeaman tolofe his excellency, same onely butfinne ; for other things that happen untoa man makrs a rain arenot able to take away his excellencie, as reproches lofe his excel.. and imprifonments in the for a manmay keepe ten`Y' himfelfe heavenly minded for all the reproches and imprifonments that he (hall meet withal!, if hee can keep out fin;al other things areuntohim butas a candle inadarknight,which makesa man fee his waythe bet- ter ; fo all things in the world cannot ecclipfe the grace ofa Chriflian,brit in the hardeft efface hee will fo keepehis heavenlymindedneffe that hisgrace íhall the moreappeare. Seca:_dly, time pierceth men through ; for that -Ro,A which is Paidof riches, i T»n. 6. io. is trueofevery z nue6. l©: hnne, Irpiercetb them throtghwith many forrowes ; that is, it wounds his foule, and mak:-s hinrtodraw tohis ovine deffruóhon : Again; finneh .ving once gotten ponfian, will have no deni.all ; ifozlceyou give way unto it, it is rcl leflè í for whena man hathfatisfed one Ina, another canes tobee ft sfcd,till_ at Ial. his heart is hardened and his Confcience hath loft all fenfe,