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6o The Doari eofMortífeatiota: other things, at leaftwifebetter things,to be expelled from them butfor one that bath profeffed Chri it, afterlongprofefhon to fall greedilyunto theworld, this isunbefeeming a Chrifiian man ; other things are contrary untograce, but this forfakingof theworld is futableunto grace. For acovetous man that is profane, there is nocontrariety in that, it is futable untohis dif_ pofition,but for anyman that hathtailedofheavenly my_ Het) 6,6. fleries, as the Apoftle frith, lid. .6.6. to fall away into a fwinifhdifpofìtion,as to covetoufneffe, orpride, bee 'hall hardy bereservedby repe Lance; that is,he willhard_ ly fcrapeoffthat blot ofrelapfe : nay,many times the Lordmeets with fuch by greatjudgements;asSalomon inhis youth how didhe maintaineReligion, yet inhis agehow fearefully did he fall into idolatryMfabeing young, honors God inhis youth, yet he fell away in his age,& theholyGhoft hathbrandedhimwiththree fearefiill fins:and foAhaziah,he fell away from God to idolatry, and inhis fickneffe fent towitches to helpe him:howunanfwerablewere theendsofthefe to their beginnings therefore takeheedofApoftacy.Ifpeake of this the more, becaufe weefee daily many in their youtharemarvellous zealous, andpretend great love unto Religion,andyet ifyoumarkethe endof thefe(I fpeake not ofall)whogreater backfliders then them and indeed this backfliding many times proves the portion ofGods childrensthemoltholieft,aiad deareft ofGods Saints manytimes are f ibje6unto this alte.. Difference. ration,and yet beBeare & preciousin the fight ofGod: betwixt the As we fee in DavidandPeter. backfliding of But thereis great difference betwixt the flackneffe theSaints,and oftheSaints and the wicked lAckfliding the godly they