Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The Contents: theproportionofgrace be bathreceived, p. 20 2. Itnrefiflinnany temptation accordingto:the famemea- fnreofgrace, P. 21 OBJECT. To the Regenerate, the f1e0h luiteth againil the (pirit,e c. ANSW. Y 7 ® r C ( bid. _ . Corruption teignes not, tough it may takepolef?ion in the heart of:a Regenerate man ; it exceeds not the mealyre ofgracv, ibid: USE III. To exhort AY,s to abftainefrom thefiniteofthe kar-t,a f inellas finite in theoiftmardarions, p. 22 OBJECT. Men(hall belodgedby their ,vorkes, not the thoughts their hearts, ibidof . ANSW. hod willjudge the thoughts of'the heart, as the eaf ; the gons, orrvorkes, asthefecJs. p. 23 USE IV. To teachus that noman isfoholy, but he needs mortificati- on. ibid. 'Themeans bow te comelyMortification, are i. Outward. 1. moderation in laroftillthings, P. 2g The dangerof exce(e in lrmv full things, ibid. 2. andPromi fes, p 29 The lawfalneffe ofvowes, and hors they are tobe e- frondof, ibid. 3. The avoydingofallo2cafontofinite, if OB ECT. J