Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

TheDÓEIrineofMortification: 67 ?lowwith our Heifer ; that is, when hee will ufe our fancy andappetiteas aninftrranent todraw usto iìnne: You fee the danger that Adam fell into, when Eve was made the inftrumenr, by being led by fancy and opinion ; thedevil! fhewes her the excellencyofthe Apple, andby his perfwafion flee is drawne totafte of it. So I readof a Martyr, whowhenheecame to fufer, his friends perfwadedhim to turne ; he anfwe- red thus, Tonfpeake atout of love, but there isone within The Marcyr whois mineenemy, that perfwades you thusto fpeake. In fpeec, like manner fay you, that the opinionand fpeech of men is good, but there is an enemy within that ufetlt deceit. Wehave a proverbe, it isgood telling o fmoney after ones father; fo it is good trying the fpeeches of thedearth friends, left there bedeceit in them. Secondly, to this I anfwer, tobeefure not to bede -_ ceived by thefalfeopinionofmen, it is to get found knowledge in theWord, andfrom it to gather aper- emptoryconclufion, that weewill not bedrawne no further thanwe arewarranted by that : Now a man mutt looke that hee ¡rand uponhis ewne bottome, andnot whollyon another mans judgement. A man that fets himfelfe upon a good ground, will ftand fait when others (hakeand fall ; now this ground is thewordof God : and when wee havethis ground, to refolve with h./bud, that whatfoeverothers doe, r andmy hou f will ferve the Lord: and peremptorilyto take up the refolutionofPeter, ?hough all the world huld fortake Christ, yet rvewillnot. I fay, aperempto- Agood groaad rywill to doe good, is good ; though weehave not required for power to effe& it : but weemuft lookethat it beupon doing of good a good ground ; forweemutt know that theway to K z heaven