Preston - BX9318 P725 1633

The DoarineofMortifac4tinn, 70. ifyou doe not, although theybee vanity, yet they will deceive youwhatfoever you eíleeme of them ; for the truth is, that there is nothing in them but vex- ationoffpirit ; you thall findegreat inticements, and much evill inthem : befides,theywill fillyour hands full ofmuchevil andbloud ; that is, they will give theeno trueJoy: forwhat joyhath the murthererof his murther r Now the reafonwherefore they can- not givetrue Joy, is, becaufetheyare under the facul- tyof joy : As theeye is wearyquicklywith looking simile;. ona (mall print, but let the print bee futable unto ir, then it will delight in it ; fo it is with the.facultie of joy, if there were no wearineffe brought to it by them,then menwould not be weary in the acquiring . ofthem ; but wee feethere is filchan awkwardneflè inthemindes of men for the getting of them, that it weares theminde, but fatisfies it not. Ier.9.23. faith Ia.,. 3 the Prophet, Let not the wifii man glorie inhis wifdome, forthe "rangman inhis flrength, nor the richmein inhis riches : that is, hee bath no cauleto glory inanyout- ward thing, becaufe it is the Lord that theweth.judge ment, and candiffolve any creature to nothing; but if he will glory, let him glory thathee knowes Gad for the true knowledgeof God bringeth true Com- fort and 3oy.. But it is not fo with the creatures, for . there is no creature canbring good, or doé good or e- vill withoutGod I fay, nocreature can bringcom- fortunto a creature without God.; for God, ifhee is thefuflainer of all creatures, fo likewife he is the Au- thorof all. But ifwee come to fpirituall comfort, Goddothnot communicate it unto any creature, no creature hath part ofit : The creature nourifhcth us irsiteo.' K 3 not_