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7'heDo1rineofMortification: 7 ï hispretence (hall bee theirgreateíl torments. There- fore let my advice beunto you thatwhich the Prophet Davidgives in the likecafe, Pfalm.62.23. TruSi not in pfal, z.23, pffrefion, andif riches increafe, fitnot your hearts upon them : thatis, fet themnot fo upon them, as toplace yourhappineffe inthem. TheUle thenmay ferve forthe jufl reproofe ofall ,a 2. earthlyminded men, and for exhmation unto all to leave their earthlymindedneffe : Let us all therefore labourtodeprive our felvesof all inordinate defireof theta ; efpecially it concernes thofe that abound in them, tokeepe a ftrong watch about theirhearts, left this viperlay hold upon them : for as it is a hard thing tokeepe a cup that is full without fpilling, fo it will beahard worke for thofe that havetheir Clofets full of earthlythings not to have their hearts taken up with them ; and therefore our Saviour faith, It is a hard fira richmantaenter Into thekingdome o f God . Why iti s hard What is the reafonofthis becaufe it is hard to have for a richmaw abundanceof outward things, andnot toput truft in to be raved. them : and what is faidofriches may bee faid ofany otheroutward thing whatfoever, whether it be plea- fure, or honour ; for thefe all worke. theheart ofa waxie difpofition toevill, foas it will take anyimpref- fon,itwill be readyto receive into the fouleany finne, or inabrace anyobjedï, and carry the impreffionof it untoalion. Nowwhatshould moveus tomortise thefeearth- Motive lymembers e Thefrft motive is becaufe ifwee doe °rti6e our earthly tI1em" not mortifie them, the Divell willenf iareus by thefe bees. earthlymembers, thoughwe feeme not tobe within r his power : As adogge that bath brokenaway from sinside. his