Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

'~ 7iJe Hifl~rJ of ~een E. S TB R~ To hidwelco~ with her Princely eheer To all her Guefts ; her guefls all, women were. By this, the Royal bousty of t~e Kiqg ~at~ 'Yell-nigh fpent the fe!en days banquc:tting..; . S1x )OVlal days have run the1r hGurs aut, ) And now the feventh revolves the week about, l1pori which day ( the Qpeens uRluckf d~y ) The King,with joll-ityendc'd away, And gemly having flipt tile ftri8:er reins · ef temperance ( that over mirth reftrains J Rofe up, c:Gmmandecl that with@ut delay, (J:-lewe'r the J?er[jaJJ cuftom do gain-fay 1:hat men and married wives lhou1d feaft together) That fair ~ueen Pajhti be conducted thither, _ For him to Thew the fweetnefs of her face, And peerltfs- beautymixt'with Princely gtace: ' To wound their wanton heatcs, .an<i td futprife ..The Princes with the Artilleryof her e}:es• But faireft Vafh~i (in whofe ft~rnful eyes :More haughty pride, than Heavenly beauty lies) With bold desial of a 1 flinty breft; · 'Anfwer'd the longing of the Kingsrequefl ; And ( fill'dwith. fcorn ) .r~turn'd this Melfagc homei ';ttueenVailiti cannot, Vailiti ilill nat come. Whe,eat, a~ Bored$ with his bluftering, ( Whef.l frurdy Ariet uiliers in the Spring ) · Here fells an age4 Oke, t~ere cleaves a Tree; Now holds his full mo1.1tlfdblaft, now lets it &tj 5o fiorms the King; now pale; now ~ery red, · His colour comes ana goes, his .angry head He fternly !hakes, fpits his iprag~4 fpl~en, Now on the melfenger, now on .:he ~een: One while he deeply welghs.the foul comemprt And then his paffion bids his wrath auempt · Aquick rr:venge ; n9w creep into h!~ th~ugh·e 5uch things as a~gratate £he p~<:viili fault j , - '