Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

' ' \ His Fee~ li~t brtrning Brafs, and at the noi/e Of (urgy Neptunes roaring u his Voice, .. Th'!:rtJ that Pa[,hal Lamb, whofe dcarejt BloOd Is [ov£reign.Drin.k, whofe Fldh is faving Food i His precious Blood, the .Worthy's of the Earth · Did drin~,. which ( thougb but bomof mortal birth ) Return'd them t1eities: For,who drints ThisJ Shalt be recei7:ld intoEternal blifs; Himfelf $ the Gift, whi 'h He him{elf didgive, · Hi$ Str·ipes heal us, and by Hia death we liYe i He acti~g Go4 and Ma1,1, in r[ouble Naturf, Did reconcile M~nkind, and Mans Cr.caror. / 1, here's a t?-sk i11deed; if Morrals Ciuld . ~t mate av·er{e, yet R0cks ancl Mounninswould: The Hills (hall dance, the Sunjhatt {top bis COitrf e l Hea,ring t~e Subject if this high Di{cburf e :• Thr. Horfe a'(lcl Gryphin {halt togelber fleep) Thq WolfJhaU fawn_upo~ the fiLLy Sheep, The crafty Scrpenr, and the fearful Hare, sba4t'ioyn in Conforr, ai'ltd ea'h bear apartJ · ' ArJCI, leap for joy, when. my llrania fbtgr, Sheflngs the prai[es of the King of Kings. \ ~ . ' • I . '