Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

. ' !64. The Propofitioncl. the WDRIt~ Upon the ·~oyling S~tn4s, her ftorm-rent Fllr:s; Her Mazn-Maft brok,s, her_CA~V~ t?rn t'l ~~tgs) Her tre11j~re /Qjf, her menwzthbghtm~g Jlazn, ·.And left awreck to therel'entlefs M tun r ·This, this andmore, untoyour moiflned eyer; Our patient Jobfhatl.liveiJ morali~e• WDN!tlft thou behold Mnparllileltl Jiflre[s, Whichmind~ cannot oHt-thirzk., nor. tongues ex""' FHllto the izfe,the .Anvil,-whereHpon [prefs Mifchief tlothwork._her Mafter·pie&e,for nfJni T., imitate; the dire .Anatomj' Of( csri~•fl1 tlif{e&ted) Mi(trJ; . T_hef~ce ofSorrow in her flerneft [,ok._s, Ther~eeful .Arg'meat ofTragicftBook..s? . . In brief, WDu/d tender eyes en.aure to fee ( Summ'd up) the greAtefl forrows thAt c11n b~ - Behold they then, poor Job llJfliEted her~, .11ml e11ch BthfJ/dtr fjen4 (at leaft} hu ttlfri>' . ' ,· . •. , . . ~ '· . '•