Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

' . ' . 17~ .- - J Q.B· MILITANT. Or if by turbulhing he take more pain To make it fairer, ihall the Pot complain? Mortal, thou art but Clar. : then fhall not he " ' ·that fram'd thee for his fcrvice, feafon thee? Man, clofe thy lips, be thou no nndertaker Of Gods defigns, Difpute not with thy Maker. Lord, 'tis ag-ainft thy nature to do ill, - · \".fhen give me power to beat, and_work thy Will; Thou krtow'ft what's beft,make tho~ thine own conclifion)' , :Beglorifi'd, although in my confufion. THE ARGllMEN:r. satin the fecond time appears Before.th' Eternal, lloldly dares Malign- Johs triedfaith aft~h, .A.ndgai~ts the aJtl.ittingQ{ his EleJh• . o· . Nce more; when Heavens harmonious ~irHlers Appear'd before his Throne, (whofe minifters they are, of his concealed Will )' to render . Their ftriet acceunt of Jufiice, and to tendet Th'accepted Sacri~ee of higheft praif«, · (Warbled in Sqnnets, ~nd" c~c{l:ial Lays) ~atan came too, bqld, ~s an hungry Fox, · Or ravenous Wolf amid the tender Flocks~ Satan, { faid then th' Eternal) from whence now Hath thy employment driven thee: _?Whenca c;om'ft thou? Satan·replies : Great Ood of heaven ~nd ~arth, 1 come from remp~.ipg, apd frommaking mirth, To hear thy dear;e~ Chjld~en whine and ro~t : ln b.ricf, I come, from when\~ 1 came- before-. · . ,.