Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

A Ftaft for w,rm1 ~· . ~ ' ' Shall hear fitcb things w!llnta~e thine eye1 r~n o·ve-t, "'Thine eyesJhtllt [mart wztb what ~hey }hall difcrwer... ~' Spendnot in private thoft thy -zealiJu1 drops, ~·But hew, and hac:f; fpgre neither._t,runct 11or lops;' ~' c/ltate heaven and earth rebound, when thoudi[chargef} ~~ PLead.not ( lifePaul) hr1t roar ( li.fe.B0ana.rges :) . ''Nor let the be4Uty of the lmilt(ings blear thee:, · '- ,, Let not the terrors of the 'l(fmpiers fear thee; · c, Let no man bribe thy fift, ( l well advife thee) ' ' Nor{tml means force .thet, nor let fair entice the~; '' R.am up thine ears: Ihint hen:rt sf flone Jhatl be! ''Be deaf tq them, · as they are_deafe tome i ''Go, crJ againfo it. Iftbey as~ thee, 't;J1by? '' Say, Heav.ens great Lortl comr(uu:dtd t}Jee to cry !_ ' ' My Altar! ceafe to [moat; their IJoly ji1ei ''Are tt"encbt; _an4where prayer$ fhould, there fin afpires~ ·' ' Tbe fatnefs fJ{ their f8rnication fries . '' OiJ coals of raging luft, a11d upward flies; ' ' Andmates mefie~ ~ l fJtar themou,rnful groa~s;· ''Andheavy fight offuch, who[e a~ing bones ·· ' ' 1b" Oppreflor grinds: Ala1, tbei! grief implortt me,' . " Their prai.,rs, prefetr"d with tears; plead loud b~fore me : · " BehiJld, my fons, t~cy have oppreft aJzd J,)lf'd, - "And-bath'cl their hands wit1Ji1~ the,blood tbej fpill/'d: ' ' The Jlream ofguilt/eft blood matesJr~it Jt.nto·me:> ~• The voiGt ofr»any blDOds is mounted to me; , " The vil&profaner of my facred. Names, " He tears my titles , , andmy honour maimi, , "Mates ·ztbet'rict of an oath,fwears and forfwearsi · "'J{.e&,ts not mymercy, nor my judgment fears: ' " They eat, they drint, they {leep, they tire the night ~'In want~n datliJI.nce-, a.nd 1tn,tean delight. ~ " Heave.ia w~nged Herald Jonas, up anci go, ~'.To mighty Niniveh; denou.rJce my woe. . ~' Advance thy voice, and when cho1t I:Jafo,advan-c'dit; ~~Spare ShtHb, tWt ceda~~, b;tt crj out againJi it : B:. "Ho!d