Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

\ , The Prophet·JPrAyer. · 443 Our joies are gone, and promife no returniEg, . Our pleafur's turn'd to pain, our mirth to mourning. Our hand bath loft his Sword, our head his Crown ; Our Qlurch her glory ; our weal, her high renown. Lord, we have fin'd, and thefe f>Ur fins have brought This world of grief ( 0 purcafe dearly .bought!) · From hence our forrows, and from hence our fears Proceeq ; for this our ey'$are blind with tears·: But that (aye that )whichmy poor heart doth count Her fharpefi: torture, is thy facred Mount, .. · ' SacredMount 'Sion,·Sion that divine Seat of thy glory~s raz'd ; l,1cr tender .Vine, Laden with fwelling Clnfiers,i!ldeftroy'd, And Foxes now, that once thy Lambs enjoy'4· .. But thou ( 0 thou Eternal God) whofe Throne Is permanent, whofe glory's ever one, l Inapt for change, abiding fl:ill the fame, Though earth confume, and heaven difiolve her frame. Why dofi: thou ( ah!) why dofi thou thus a\l>fent Thy glorious face? Oh, wherefore haft thou rent Thy mercy from us? 0 ! when wilt thoube Aton· d to them,that hav~ no truft but thee ? Reftore ns ( Lord ) and let our fouls poffefs · Our wonted peace ; 0, let thy hand redrefs Our- wafled fortunes; let thine eye behold Thy''(catrered Flock, and drive them to their Fold: Cahff '.thou rejett that people, which thy hand . Rath ch9fe, and planted in the promis'd land ? 0 thml'J the fpring ofmercy) wilt thou fenc{ No ~afe ro our ~ffiiftiqns, , no,end · Thr: f.-nd.. ..