Quarles - PR3652 D58 1669

A Feafl for VYor1111. Pc~ love, ~nd raging !uft, and foolilh fears ; Griefs overwhelmed with immod'rate tears ; Ex.ceflive joy ; prodigious de!ire ; Unholy anger, ,:ed .and hor as tire ; Thefe Claily clok the foul, that's faft in pri~rr, Fromwhofe encreaf.e this luc:klefs br.ood is rifen 1 RefpecHefs Pride, and luftful idlcnef~ . lhfc riba,.uld talk~ aEd loathfom Drunk.enncf~ Faithlefs Defpair, and vain Curiolitie: Bach falfe, yet doublc-tongu:~d HypocriGe; ,Soft flattery, and haug:l~ty cidAmbition ; Heart-gn!wing Hatred, andf']ui:nr-ey'd Suipitios ; Self-eating ~nvy, env\o~s Detraction, Jiopelefs d1frrufr, and top too fad Dej,eeti~' ; :Reven~cful Malice, hellifh Blafrhen1y 1 · Idolatry, And li~ht In.conftancy; Daring PrefHmprion, wry 'mourh'dDerifion,. DamnedApofi:afie, fond Superftition. What heedful watch ? Ah what C9ntinua1ward How gre~ rcfpett, and howerly regard . Stands man in hand to haye; wh~n (uch a·brood Offurious hell-hounds f~k to tuck his bto~d ·~ Day, night, and h~:>ur, they rebel, and wrafil~, And never ceafc, till they fubdue rhe Catlle., How !light a thing is man ? how frail and br~ttl~ J How fceming great is he ? how truly little ? . Within the bo~me ofhis .holicft w-orb, Some hid~en Embers of old Adam lurks, · Which ofrentimes in men ('lf purcfl ways, Burft out in flame, and for a t~aion bla7.e. Lord, tcach our hearts and give our fouls d;r:B:!cn;;, Subdue our patlions, curb our fl:o.ut affeB:ions > Nip thou the bud'before the blo~nn begim : ,..ord !hiddthy ferva.ms fro1.11 prcfumptuo~l s fi r.$. 47 ' " . /