Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

godcan eafily, deling the 'Ticked. Not to infiR longon fo certaine and obvious a truth. Farre eater wee know it is todeRroy than to buildup, there is no fuch art required in demoli(hing, as there is in ereaing ofan edifice, thole things which are long and difficultlygrowing up,are fuddeoly excinguifhed. Since therfore God had power and wifedome to make the creature , no wonder if hee can moil catty deRroy him. Againe, Gods power is as it were fet on by his jea- loufie and furyagain[ tuners. Anger wee know is the whettione offlrength , in anequality ofothcr termes it will make a man prevaile. Nothing is able to Randbe- fore a firewhich is once enrag'd. NowGods difpleafure is kindled , and breaketh forth into a flame againa the tunes of men,Dest.29.2o. likea devouring Lion, or a bereaved Beare, like the implacable rage ofa jealous man, fo doth the fire oftheLords revenge breake forth upon the enemies ofhis Sonne. Adde hereunto our difpofition and preparedneffe for the wrathof God. Strength it Celle may bee tired out in vaine upon a fabjeit which is uncapable of any injury therefrom. But ifthepawofa Bearemeet with fo thinre a fublianceas the kallof a mans heart, how eafily is it tonic to pieces ? Every anion is thenmoll fpeedily fini- shed when the fuhjen on which it workes is thereunto prepared. Farm eater is it to make a print in wax than inAdamant,tokindle afire indry tIubble,than in greene wood. Nowwicked men have fitted themfelves for wrath,andare the procurers, and artificers oftheir owne dearunion. They are veffels,aild God is never without treafures ofwrath , fo that the confufion ofa wicked man is but like the drawing ofwater out ofa fountaine, or the fillingofa bag out ofa heapeoftreafure. LaRly,adde hereunto our deRituteneffe ofall helpe & fuccor. Even fireamongti pitch might bee quenched,ifa man could powre down water in abundance upon it. But 109 VERSE I. Corpora tarde aspfount cite extingemstat. Tac. HoC13.7,8. Prov.6.34. Cam&6. Ezek.36.5. ROIll9 22, Efai.3.9. Ier.z.t 7. Ier.4.18. Hof.13.9.