Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

Whit is to bee under Cbriflisfeete. abated, andcommunity cherifhed in the mindesofmen : Even in where the Scepter of Chrifl , the Law ofthe bminde , the roiall Law ofLibc ay and grace doe more prevaile over the Tufts ofthe heart, by lo much the more excellent is the harmonic ,and complexion of fuch a ionic. Now the laa thing in thisverfe is, Scabellsempedibus tuts. Afioole under thyfeete. Things areunder Chrifis fate twomanner ofwayes : Either by way offubje6tion as Servants unto him , fo hee hath dominion over all the workeS ofqps hands, and hath all thingsput under hisfeete. So the Apoille faith, that God hath let him at his ovine right hand in heavenlyplaces faire . above all principalty,and power,andmight,and domi- nion and every name that is named , not only in this world but alto in that which is to come; Andhathput allthings under hisfeete , and gave him to bee the head over all things to theChurch. Which S.Peter expreffeth in a like manner : Hee is gone into heaven,and is on the right hand of God , Angels andauthoritiesandpowers beingmadelubjea tohim: Or fecondly,bywayofvitIorie and infultation and Co all Chrillsenemies areput under his feete. Which is the moll proper way. For the mem- bers of Chrifl are indeed under the head. Sowee finde that the fheepe ofChrifl are in his bands. Noman"ball pintkthem out ofmy hand, And the Lambes ofChrift are inhis armei, andbofome. Heefballgather the Lambs with his arme, andcarry them in hisbelow. But the ene- mies ofChrill areunder hisfecte to bee trampled upon, till their blond bee fqueezed out and his garments Rained with it. All the multiplied multitudes of the wicked in the world (hall bee but as fo many Cluflers ofripe grapes to bee call into the great winepreffeof the wrathof God, and tobee troden by himwho went forth on a white horfe conquering and to conquer, till the blond come out of the winepreffe even unto the 1 2 horfe YrRsEI. 1Pet.3.M. Ioh.i 0.18. Efaie4o.n. Efai.63. 1-3. Joel 3.13,14. Revell 4.20.