Reynolds - HP BS1450 110th R38 1632

The Table. Viemeamemer ........4.......... 0........e 0... easaimi Imammommog,. To illighten the conrcience. 187 To bee amigrationofrighteoufiefe. 189 Tobee a minioration oflfe. 190 Tobeeafpirituallludge in the heart, 191 To bee an abidingmigration. 192 To enable the heart, 195 Magnanimity. 196 With Fortitude. 198 Lucre wist andinajefiy. 200 Libertyandjoy. 201 Thedifpencersofthe Gofpellare thereinto rife Libertie. 201 Susanne. 205 The GapIl tobee receivedwith allhonorftel acceptation. 208 And 1to bee adorned inatoneable converfation. 214 Wee adorne the GoilellofChrifl. 1 When weefet it sip inour hearts its our °tidy rule. 216 2 When weewalke infitting obedience thereunto. 219 3 Whenweecontinue therein. 219 4Whenwee holdit in the untieoftheSpirit. 221 5Menweeferioullylecke theknowledgeofChrill andheaven in it. 222 6Whenwee make it our only Altar ofrefuge in trouble. 223 aril?bathe migeryofhis GoldIisfrillofcareoverhis Church. 228 Thiscare[eosin his Love. 233 Studie&ingiifitivenep. 233 Conlancy & continuance. 234 Emplyingofhimfel(e. 235 Layingdowne his lift. Grace andSpirit. 236 'Freparationsfor thefuture. IFood. 237 Guidance. The efirea ofhie care< Health. 238 IComfort,. 239 lProtellion. Thegrounds ofthis care. Hee '