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The Spirit an Advocate. ameask ; proaches ofChria greater riches than the treafures ofthe world, to count our (elves happy in this, that it is not fuch low markes as we are which the malice of the world aitneth at, but the Spirit of glory and ofGod which refleth upon us, who is on their part evill fpoken of i Pet.4.14. Satan,that grand accmfer ofthe brethren, doth not onely load my (lanesupon my confcience, but further endeavoreth to exclude me from the benefit of Chriaby charging mewith impenitencie and unbeliefe. But here the Spirit enablethme to cleere my felfe againfi the Father of lies. It is true indeed I have a naughty flefh , the feedsof all mifchiefe in mynature ; but the HImeans which brought me hereunto was the belee- ving of thy lies,and therefore I will no longerestertaine thy hellifh reafonings againa mine ownepeace. I have a Spirit which teacheth me to bewaile the frowardneffe ofmine owneheart, to denie mine owne will &workes, to long and afpire after perfeetion in Chris, to adhere withdelight and purpofe ofheart unto his Law, to lay hold with all my firength upon that planck offalvation, which in this thipwrackofmy foule is call our unto me. Thefe affections of my heart come not from the earthly Adam, for whatfoever is earthly,is fenfuall and devillifh too. And ifthey beholy andheavenly,I will not beleeve thatGod will put any thingofheaven into a veirell of Hell.Sure I am,he that died for mewhen I did not defire him , will in no wife call me away when I come unto him. He that hath given me a will to love his fervice, and to leane upon his promifes, will in mercy accept the will for the deed,and in due timeaccomplifh the worke ofholineffe which he hathbegun. Thus the Spirit like an Advocate fecurethhis clients title, againf the fophi- flicall exceptions of the adverfarie,and when by tempta- tions our eye is dimmed, or by the mixture ofcorrup- dons our evidences defaced, he by his skill helpeth our infirmities, and bringeth thofe things whichare blotted out, 45 VERSE I.