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grounds ofourfallelow toChrill. thole men when they cried,iimiy withhim,cracifie him, crticifie him. Many grounds there areof this grand mitp2rfwation of the heart in its love to Chriti, which I will but touch upon. The fir is the genera acceptation and con ance which the GO ofCbrift receiveth arnonet the Naas of this world, who in Chriflian Common.. wealths doe bothby their owne voluntary and profef- fed fubjedion, and by the vigour of their publike lawes eflablifhthe fame. Now this is moll certain,that as in all other kiences there cannot be tronslitni agenere ingentm, the principles ofone will not ferve tobeget the conclufi- ons of another fo here efpecially, if a fpirituall affent and affe6tionbe grounded upon no other than humane inducernents,it is moil undoubtedly fpurious and illegiti- mate. That reafon which the Pharifees ufed to diffwade men from beleeving in Chrifl, Haveany ofthe rulers or the Pharifees beleevedon him ? lob. 7. 48. is one of the principall arguments which many men have nowwhy they doebeleevehim, becaufe theRulers, wholeexam- ples and lawes they obferve more upon true/ than triall, doe lead them thereunto : and therefore wee finde a- monga the /ewes, that thofe very men, who when the Government ofthe whole twelve Tribes was one,didall content in an unity of religion; upon the ditira6tion of the kingdome under leroboam, were pretend)/ likewife divided in their obfervance of Gods worfhip ; and they who before were zealous for the Temple at lerufaletn, were after as fupertlitious for PanandBethel: the Pro- phet giveth the reafon of it, They willingly walkedafter thecommandment, namely, of Ieroboatn, Hof.5 .1 i . tomer' did the Prince iuterpofe his authoritie, but the people were willing to pin their opinions and pra&iks uponhis word : If Ornri make ffditOtes, andAhab con. firmeidolatrout counfelt by hte own' prat ices ; the Pro- phet fliewes how forward the people are to mike in them, 59 VERSE