Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Fexation of the Spirit. from kgypt and Affyrìa, in their owne counfels and in- ventions) and yet all thefe end in fhameand dif- appoint- ment ; They promife li6ertie, and yet make men (laves un- to vile Tufts : they promife fitneffe for Cods fervice,and no- thing more apt to make men forget him or his worfhip : Thus all thofe phantafticall felicities,which men buildup- on the Creature, prove in the end to have beene nothing elfe but the banquet of a dreaming man, nothing but lyes and vanity in the conclufion. Laftly, They deceive us likewife in reffiec`t of evill. No Creatures r_ ._ t,ic ica, how -evert they may proic lrrlmunitie and deliverance, can doe a man any good when the Lord will be pleafed to fend cviii upon him. And yet it is not for nothing that a truth fo univerfally confefled, fhould yet be repeated in the Scripturc,That flyer, and gold, andcor- cuptible things are not a fit price for the foules- of men. Doublcffe the holy men of God fore -faw a time when falte Chril s, and falle Prophets fhould come into the world, which fhould let falvation to Pale, and make mer- chandize of the Soules of mcn (as wee fee at this day in popifh Indulgences, and penance, and the like, no leffe ridiculous than impious fuperftitions.) Neither is it for nothing that Salomon tels us, That r:ches,yea,tivholeTrea- fures doe not profit in the day of death : a fpeech repeated by two Prophets after him. For furely thole holy men knew how apt wealth and greatneffe is to bewitch a man with conceits of immortality,as hath beene (hewed. Who were they that made a covenant with death, and were at an agreement with hell to paffe from them, but the fcorn- full men, the rulers of the people, which had abundance of wealth and honour ? Who were they that did put farre away the. evil! day,and in defpight of the Prophets threat- flings did flatter themfelves in the conceit of their firme and inconcuflible eflate, but they who were at cafe in Si- on, who truted upon the Mountaines of Samaria, who lay upon beds of Ivory, and ftretched themfelves upon G z their Efay 47z,ti. lob 6.19, zo. Pfal t 3.