Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

I2 `I he Sinf ulneffe of Shine. name and power in the voyce which cryes unto thee. Fourthly, though finne feet= dead to fecure, civill, morall, fuperflitioufly zealous men, in regard of any. prcfent fence or fling, yet all that while it is alive in them,and will certainely, when the booke fhall be open - ed,cither in the miniary of the word to convcrfion, or in the laft judgement to condemnation, revive againe. All there points are very naturall to the Text, but I fhould be too long a firanger to the courfe I intend,ifl fhould infi fl on them. I returne therefore to the maine purpofe. Here is\the Rate of finne, finite revived; the Guilt of Panne, I died ; the Conv :dion of it by the fpirit bringing the fpiri- tuall fence of the Commandment, and writing it in the heart of a man, and fo pulling him away from his own Conclufons. The Doctrines then which I (hall ina on are there two.: Firíl, the f iirit by the Commandement convinceth a man to be in the ftate offinne. Secondly, the#irit by the Commandment convinceth a man to be in the fate of death becaufe of fnne; To convince a man that he is in the (late of fanne, is, To make a man fo tot-et to his ovine hale and ferious acknowledgement to this truth, That he is a (inner, as that withall he (hall feele within himfelfe the quality ofthat =(late, and in humility and felfc -ab- horrency conclude againft himfelfe all the naughtinefhe and loathfotne influences which arc proper to kindle and catch in his nature and perfon , by reafon of that =elate : and fo not in expreffion onely, but in experience, ! not in word but in truth, not out offcare but out ofIoa- thing, not out of contiraint but moll willingly, not out of formality butout.of humility, not according to the generall voyce but out ofa ferious fcrutiny and felfe -ex- amination, load and charge himfelfe with all the noi- Ifomenefl'e and venotne, wich all the dirt and garbage, with all the malignity and frowardneffe that his nature and perfon Ace abound withall, even . as the waves of the