Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

T he Sinfulnefe of Sinne. í Iß,3 mcn,they will all faile him when it (hall bee too late ; God will mcafare men by his owneline,and rsghteoufnrffe by his erne plummet,and then fl5all the Harlefweepe away the refuge of lyes,and waters over -flow the hidin1 place of thofe me?, that made a covenant with death. Secondly,be- ware ofproud refolutions ,felfe- love,refervations,wit, di- tlir.ions, evafions to efcape the word;thefe are but the weapons of lufiz, but the exaltations ofa fefhly mind;but fubs mit to the word, receive it with meekeneffe, be willing to count that fenf ofScripture truef}, which moll reftrain- eth thy corrupt humours, and crofeth the imaginations ofthy flethly reafon.Our owne Weapons mull' be render- ed up, before the fword ofthe fpirit, which is the word of God, wil be on our fide;Love of lulls, and pride of heart . can neuer confií} with obedience to the word. Nehem.9. 16.Ier.a3.'7.43.2. Thirdly, converting and laying knowledge is not of our own fetching in or gathering, but it is iv7oAñ tix,?áïcra, a Doctrine that comes unto us, and is brought by that :I facred Blatt of the Spirit which bloweth where he Iifleth. We doe not firfa come and are then taught, but fiat wee are taught, and then wee come, Ioh,6.45.Ery 5595..65.t.Wemuf + take heed ofattributing to our fel- ves, boalling of our owne fufficicncies, congruities, pre- parations, concurrencies, contributions unto the word in the Pavingofus; Grace mu+ prevent, follow, affìVt us operate and co-operate, Chrift mull be All sn All; the ....lather and the Finifher of our faith; of our elves we can do nothing but difable our felves, refill the Spirit, and pull downe whatever the word doth build up within us. Ever therefore in humility wait at the Poole where the Spirit tires ;'Give. that honóur to Gods. ordinances, as-. when the bids :thee do nó ggreat thing» but `onely., walli and becleate, lxeare and beleeve., beleeve and. Jbe Paved, atotfìautly ío 'call his -Law behind. thy back, bite to bumble thy felfetc walk u th thy. Gad, and to fee his name I) z Cor: io; 4, á. Iana.t.zs. Luk.rr.xt. Rui fe dedebant arma trad-de ruatt. Eri (%n. de fervid. 1i6. 4. A.B.S. 7JG Ev a