Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

'The linfulnefß of finne. I 14' Full offolly, it is bound up, rivetted fall; into the heart of a chille, and there from childi(h folly grows up to wife and lober folly,(as I may fo Speak) till the heart be chan- ged into a cell of darknelle Full of madnef fe and rage, mzdne f fe is in the hearts of men while they live, all the creatures in the world are no able to cure it. Full of inf e dolitie.An heart that departs from God, undervalues his precious promifes, and miftru &s his power. In one word,fall of allpollution and uncleannes,that Forg where all fins are framed in fecret intents,defires,purpofes,lufls, and from whence it fprings forth into the life, the flames ofit breaking out into the tongue, and into every other member,in adulteries, murthers, thefts, blafphemies,and every wicked word and worke. Looke into the will,and you fhall finde it,Firfl, full of Difabilitie unto any good,lt cannot hearken, nor be fub- jeet unto the Law of God. But there may be weakneffe where yet there is a good will and affection; not fo here: It is Secondly, full of loathing and averf on, It cannot endure to heare or fee any thing that is good, cafis it be- hinde the backe, and turnes away the (boulder from it. But there may be a particular naufa,or lothing of a thing out of fome diflemper, and not out of antipathy : a man may loath the fight ofthat in a dtfeafe, which at another time he loves.But the will doth not fometimes loath,and fometimes love : But Thirdly, it is full of enmity againfl that which is good,l:t looks upon it as abafe thing,and fo it a fcorns it, and it looks on it as an adverfe thing, and fo it fets up refolutions to b withitand it , & it looks upon it as an unprofitable thing, and fo c flights and neglects it. But enmitie is feldome fo rooted, but that it may be over - come,and a reconciliation wrought;not fo laere,the flef ly will may bee crucified , it will never bee reconciled : For fourthly, it is full of obftinecy, and d contrariety which is a Twitted enmity (as I may fo fpeake) which cannot bee broken. One contrary may expel! another, but Prov. zx . t S, t Cor. 3.12, Ier.8.9, Rom. T.21. Ecclef,9 3 Heb.3.ts. Pal. lo 6. 24, Pf11.7 8. 18.t9. zo.zz, Mat. t 5. 19, Heb.q, t z, Iames 3.6. Rom. 3.7. Ier.z. z7. Mc hem.9, z. Wt. 13.. Zcch 7.1 t. LibeYtas AY'bú trii per'iàt gum- tam ad juFtiti am, non quan- tum ad nata- ram aut pceca. turrm.Vid. Aug. cont. z. Ep. Pe- hg .lib. i.c.z, Enchir¡. c. 3 0. 31 aPfal,toó.z4. Luke 16.14. Exod. b Mat. 2.3. 37. Ad.7.39. 51. Ad.i;.46. Luk.7.30. Luk.t9.t4. c6'1a1.3.t4. dGal.S.t7. Ier, i.: s. Ef3.30.15,16 Ier. 6. 17, and 7.27. Ier.44.16.t7.