Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The jmnfulneffe of Sinne. die offin: And which is yet more Orange, this fmfulneffe cleaves not to Our members only, but runnes over with a prodigious exuberancie into our very excrements and ad- jacents. Abfalomproud of his haire, lez.rbel proud of her paint,Herod proud of his robes;and though the word be a fword and a f re,yet it cannot cut off, nor melt away any ofthis pride, till rlbfaloms hairy become his halter, till Iezabels paint be waihed off with her owne blood, and vermin make the robes of Herod balèr than a mení}ruous cloth,or a beggars rags.Thus we fee lao w univer /all a cor- ruption original/ fin it ; therefore in Scripture the whole man is caliedfefi, becaufe in carnali workes we worke fecundism hominem,when we are carnal we walk a.r men, as our Saviour faith of the Divell, when he reaces a lye, he fpeaketh De fuo, of his owne, according to his owne nature ; to when men walke after the fleti , they worke of their Done, they walke according to themtelves'. For of ourfelves we can doe nothing,as the Apottle freaks but onely finne, when we doe any good, it is by the grace of God, but lults,which are the fountains of evil!, are all our owne : God gave the Heathen over to the lulls of their some hearts ; and every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his owne Asa and entifed. So then wee are all over flesh ; The minde a flelhly minde, the will a fle4hly will, the affections and lulls, all flelhly. So that as the Apof }le faith of the Body,many members ,but one body,fo we of originall f nne,many lusts, but one body ; therefore the Apol }le cals it Ka. "clod in the fingular number fin, upon which , excellent is the obfervation of the Author of the Book Dc Duplici Martyrio, among S. Cyprians works,plxs eft tollere peccatumquampeccata, It is more difficult to root out this finning fin,than to overcome ma- ny aftuall. Secondly., confider the clofenere and adherencie of this finne. It cleaves as fall to our nature, as Blackne e to the skin,ne of an iEthiopian, that cannot poUibly bee waíhed 143 r Cor.3.3. Lohn 8 4 z Cor.; .5. t Cor.i 5.10. Rom. i. z4. Iarnes t.rg Col , z. t 8. Eph. z. ;. Gal. s.a4. BQdain Ioh.i, Rom:7.r 72 Vid. Scultec. execcit.Evang. lib. x .psg, s',