Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

geassis 15 'The finfulneff _e of Shine. D./zero: . Conference with Hart. cä0.8. Divif 4. pag.5z5.5z8. and D.J in ra hire in bis Way to th.! Church. Ji- kref e,3 7. Calvin. lnf2it. lib. 3 . c. 14. Aug. de pcc. men ér t crreiffi. lrb. z. cap. 18. Numb i,.zz. Hag. z. 14. us for defiling the grace he gave, and for the evil]. which wee mixe with them, may turne avay his eyes from his 'wne Jif s in us. Sinne in the faculty is ¡Loy fon inn the fou.itairrt that fheds infection into every thing that pro, ceeds from ir. ignorance and difficulty are two evils pro per : its -`which from the Fountaine doe in tome meafure diffufe themfeIves utron all our worker. W henfoever thou arr going about any good this ez ill will bee prefent with thee, to drive a deadneffe, a dampe, a ditlneffe, an ir,,difpolèe mile upon all thy services, an iniquity upon thr holm1[ things, which thou flandefl in need of a Pritt to heare for thee, Exo. 2 8, j 8. and'to remove from tLec. in the Law whAtfo ver an uncleans per/on touched 132.14 uncleane, though it were holy fie ih ; to note the evill quality of finf ull nature, to Harne and blemi(h every good worke which commeth from it. This is that which in thy prayers deals thy zeal, fervency, humiliation, {elfe - abhorrency, thy importunity, faith, and clofe attention, this like an evils favour mingleth with thy facriEce, call_ eth in impertinent thoughts, wrong ends, makes thee reft in the worke done, and never inquire after the truth of thine own e heart, or Gods bleffing and fucceffe to thy fervices. This is that in reading and hearing the word throwes in fu much prejudice, blindnef e, in- advertency, fecurity, infidelity, mifapplication,mifton- itrurion, wrel%ing and shaping the word to our felves. This is that which in thy meditations makes thee roving and.unfetled, driving to no point nor iflùe, running into no conclufion nor refolutions of further obedience in faith and godlineffe. This is that which in thy converse with other mingles fo much frowardnefïè, levity, unpro- fstableneffe to or from them.This is that which in thy cal- ling makes thee fo unmindful of God and his fervice,aime at nothing but thine own emoluments; where is the man who in all the wayes of his ordinary calling labours to walke in obedience and feare of God', to carry alwayes the