Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Table. gis. The ftrength of Faith. a. The love and free grace ofGod. 3. Gods Promife and Covenant. 4. The obftgnation of the S piríc. g, The nature and effcäs of Fah. Death Lre 44Z 446 448 449 ibid. Faith uniting to Chris} Kingdome ?ours. 450 makes his g Son -flip ViEtories Intercefsieffi No fatisfaetion to the foule but in Communion with the life o f Chrif}. 454 This Communion the fountaineof all fpirituall joy. 457 Groat caution to bee ufed againft -the revolting and treachery of ourhearts. 458 How our life comesfrom Ch rill as the Sonne. 460 Exprefsions of our union unto Chrifì by, A bodie. 462 A building. 463 An ingrafture. 464 A marriage. 465 From our union unto Chrif} arifeth ourCommunion with him. r. In his merits. 468 a. In his life. 469 3. In his Priviledge s. 470 His un Etion. His viaories. His bon -fhip. P IOá The p recioufnçffe ofjuftify ing:Faith, in its The Offices of Faith. r. To unite unto Chtifc. ° 478 2. To juftifie. , 480 3. To give uswith Chris} all things,'' 485 i. All Graces. ibid. z. All tensporall good things requifite ro our . condition. 489 In Obje& Offices. 476