Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The /ifulnefJe of Siime. 6Ti danger in the Warre, if the enemy bee either foolish, or weak, or treatable, that every viefo, y may be quickly got- ten, or íorne" pacifications and compoítions concluded. Rom.8.7, lames 3.15. But no filch things here, , : Cor. JO s. ¡av Seventhly, therefore confider the wif.ome, the poli - y. "";f! l"c°r ' ciel, the unfearo ablexeje of the Sinne. The Scripture cold 7; Ç ,y, calls itTbe voifedome of the flelb, earthlf, fenfua(l,divellsfle a ómsd- wifedome, wiled ome to doe cvill, Re4fonings, J1rong holds, ('vis. Greg. .Jma inatio ss, high::thoughts ; said all this wiledome is o'at. t. employed to `Deceive the Soule therefore is fiefhly wife- Iamcs ,. 4. y I a Perec;, 17. dome called by Saint Loner, Divellifl,, becaufe it bath the Devils end, to Draw away men from God, and to entice, and beguile them. Therefore in Sc , ip'ture, the heart of man is laid to'be Deceitful)and unfearchable, and kilts are : call,) 'Dec' eiveakir lis]!:, and the áeceit fulne fJe of fin saint Paul bath a hcape of words to eaprefle this fer- pentine quality of fin by, togging or cheating, cunning, .cnaftinef e, method,, deceit, E ph.4.14. But a man may be very wife,; and that wlfedPmelooke upon none but mif ,ehievous and deceitfull,ends ï and.yet for all this nó great hurt' done by him, becaeffe he May bee'unwillii to take the gaines, like him in the Hrlioriari that was innocent not of good naturez,but meérely out. of lafzne f fe There - _fore ,thirdl this. deceit of.finne, is aatcated and let on "` v' S, E}h. z ,worke.with.very ;throng ddires, and univcrfall luiling,the pro, 2.53.3. . Apoille calla them not kilts only, hit avili or, refolutions Ho(eá S. z. J of theflefh, and of the mind it rrlfe. Hence thole fecret tins Grande Pr°fün- which David himlelfe was fo troubled withal), thole drum efi Hong, fwarrnes of lulls which the'fonle forgetih in it lelfr as fo "` Desnrxé r"' ca ixeS ru ft- many Creatures ;that which Salomon faith of the Kjng mere es ).,abri, heart, is true of that fe lily King in ever mains bòfoine : 6 iaincn cnpilli It is unfearchable, a Gulfe,' a Hell of l,nfullprofound Magss n14' i nelle, Policies to keepe from good, policies to poyfon and iitrfaint, rvert ood of to rnake ood nnfeaíonable oli- `l "zm o ftrts g > p g p dr motu: tot di+. ties CO bring to evil), policies to keepe in evil), policies to Aug.CigA0 l.4 maintaine, J uftifie,'extenuate evil). Policies to make men cap. r 6. r eft ,Genelis 3. 13. I Tlrri z.14. Ier. r 7.9. Ephef. 4. za. z TheLz, r O. Heb. 3.13 v..URHcx, xawxp- 3+a. g°kiou, crTccón.Soiri So- cord, a lnxocenr. Tacit Pn `3vr.0 'ag 7;71 oceQxáf r7/4-; 4(1.dx%a Tfli oacQxof. i,g., '