Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

30 a M1rk.t.35. & Mattir.t4 2.3. e Luke 2239 dM,r.r 35,33. e 14ark.6.4 r. f Luk.6.i z,i3. g! uke 9.28. h Matr.16,36. lohn 17.1.. iHebr.S7 ¢ Tertul de orat.csy.9. Exod 28.38. Rom. 8.34. `I he j7anity of the Creature. a Morning and `b Evening was it his c Cufìome to Pray : but upon every other folcmne occafion. Before his d Prea- ching, before his Eating, before the f Ele6}ion of his D ifciples, before his g Transfiguration in the Mount,h be- fore and ' in his Paffion : Who have,thirdly, from Chrift That Legitimate, Ordinary , Fundaneentall Prayer, as k Tertullian cals it, The Lords Prayer, as a Rule and Dircáory by him framed to inf}rudd us how to Pray, and to bound and confine our extravagant and vat} de- fires ; Who, laf}ly, have alfothe e' ltar of ChriFí to re- ceive, the Incenfe ofChrif} to perfume, the Name and In- terceflïon of Chrift to prefent our prayers unto God by, who have Chrift fánaifying, and, as I may fo fpeake, Praying our prayers unto his Father for us ; as we reade of the Angell of the Covenant, .who'had a golden Cen- ferandsnuchIncenfe, to offer up the prayers of the Saints, which was nothing elle but the mediation of Chrift bea- ring the iniguitie of our holy things, as eAaron was appoin- ted to doe; nothing but his interceflion for us at the right hand of his Father. I fay, how much more reafon have we, than any Gentile could have, to confecrate all our cnterprifes with Prayer unto God? Humbly to acknow- ledge how jut}ly hee might blaf} all our bufineffes, and make ens labour in thefire: that unleffe hee keepe the Ci- tic, the 'Watchman watcheth but in vaine ; that unleffe he build the horde, their labour is in vaine that build it ; that unlefíc he give the encreafe, the planting of Paul, and the watering of Apollo are but emptie breath ; that it is onely his bleflïng oli the diligent hand which maketh rich without any forrow that unleffe he be pleated to favour our attempts, neither the plotting of our heads, nor the folicitoufiieffe of our hearts, nor the drudgery of our hands, nor the whole concurrence of our created fcrength, nor any other Alliances which wee can procure, will bee able to bring to affe the othcrwife molt obvious and feafible Events ; and therefore to implore his Direlc}ion in 1 p