Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

L uk.14.18,1o. Hohn z, 15 Ezek 33. 3T. The Pexation of the Spirit'. qualifie their venome and to blunt their edge, are in good carnet+ Wounding Yhorncs. Secondly, they are Choaking 7hornes; they (lifle and keepe dowse al' the gracious feeds of the Word , yea the very naturali fprouting of nobleneffe, ingenuity, morali- ty in the difpofitions of men. Seed requires emptineffe in the ground that there may bee a free admiflìon of the raine and influences of the heavens to cherifh it : And fo the Gofpell requires nakedneffe and poverty of mìnde, a fenfe of our owne utter Efficiency to our felvcs for happineffe , in which fenfe it is faid that the peore receive the Gofpell. But now earthly things meeting with corrup- tion in the heart are very apt : Firf +,Yo fillit, and fecondly, To five++ it,both which are conditions contrary to the pre- parations of the Gofpell. They Fill the heart. Firf+,with Bufineffe.Yokes of oxen, and Farmes,and Wives;and the like contentments take up thef+udies and delights of men, that they cannot find out any leafure to come to C H R I S T. Secondly, They Fill the Heart with Love, and the Love ofthe world(huts out the Love of the Father,as the Apofile fpeakes. When the Heart goes after covetoufneffe, the power and obedience ofthe World is Phut quite out.They will not doe thy words , faith the Lord to the Prophet , for their heart goeth after their covetoufiefff. A deare and fu- perlative Love,fuch as the Gofpel ever requires (for a man muf+ love CHRIST upon fuch termes as to bee ready without confultation or demurre , not to forfake onely, but to hate father and mother, and wife, and any the choifeí} worldly endearements for his Gofpels fake) I fay filch a Love admits of no Corrivalty or competition. And therefore the love ofthe World muff needs cxtinguifh the love of the Word. Laflly , they Fill the heart with feare of forgoing them ; and feare takes off the heart from any thoughts Cave thole which Tooke upon the matter of our feare: who