Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

Se= Sob zc. I í. T he Vexation of the Spirit. from giving him reali fatisfa &ion, as that Firm, he Hated all his workes, for there is nothing makes one Hate more eagerly than difappointment in the good which a man expe&ed. When Amnon found what little fatisfauion his exorbitant 1uí} received in ravifhinghis Sifter Tamar, he as fiercely hated her after as he had defir,d her before. Secondly, He 7Defpaired of finding any good in them,be caufetheybegetnothingbtt travell, drudgery, and un- quiet thoughts, Lafily, let us take a view ofRiches,theordinarily moll adored Madan the reí }. The wife man faies firft in ge- neral' , neither Riches noryet abùndance of Riches will.fa- ticfie the foal o fman,E ccl. 5,I o. This he more particular- ly explanes, Firf }, from the fharers which the increafe of them doth naturally draw after it, verf. r I . and bctweene the owners and the fharers there is no difference but this, an empty (peculation, one fees as his owne,what the other enjoyes to thofe reali purpofes for which they ferve as well as he. Secondly, from the unquietnes which naturally growes by the encreafe of them, which makes an ordinary drudge in that rcfpea more happy. verf, z 2. Thirdly, from the hurt which ufitally, without force due correSIivc they bring,verf. 13. either they hurt a man in himfelf, being f}rong temptations and materials too of 'pride, wine glory, covetoufneífe, luxurie, intemperance, forgetfuinef eofGod, love ofthe world, and by there of diforder, diífoluteneffe , and diiëafesin the body ; or clic at leaf+ they expofe him to the envy, accufations, violen ces of wicked men. Fourthly, from their uncertainty of abode, they perifh by an evill travell, either Gods cnrfe, or force particular humour, lull, or proje6,1 overturnes a great effate, and proflerity is beggerd. Fifthly, from the certainty cf an everlafing feparation from them ver. i 5. 16. and this he faith is afore evill, which galley the heart of a worldly man that hath refolved upon no other hea- ven than his wealth ,-when fickneffe cómes to (match high away