Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

0 .F H A p p I N E s. I 67 red , if bee might ~aue it but feuen yeeres before his death. Now I will defire · h_im to ftayhut feu en yeeres · more , and then hee fhall haue this Crowne ,. that farre excels theother. And to cotnfort him in this o·ds of expectation , I can tell him, that thofe who haue knowne, and (now) worne both thefe Crownes , haue made a £1r grezter ods be– tweene them , then a few yeeres patience, preferring a day in the Courts of hea· uen , before a thoufand in the Courts of Prin'ces. But that wee may come lower, doe not \VCe fee it an ordinarie thing,that a. man continues thirtie yeeres in a . courfc , '