Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

of hope, Hope maketh not alhamed; that is, it fuffers nor tohe disheartned,ro be con.tounded, but it keepe-s - ·vp the heart from fin king, and makes it beare vp in troubJ·es prefent, by the ex– pectation ofioyes to come. And this comm0n experi· , ' e_nce fhewes vs i~ worldly . aCtions and fufferings; ·for hope harh·-borneout mah-: . kinde, ~hrough paynes al– moft intolerable,vnto com-– forts fleqfafi1y feene &ap- · . prehended by it. Where- . fore doe not make a fauk , of the futureneiTe ot thy happineife; but finde and amend thetroe fault ofthv ' , heliefe&hopef Yet neither are wee altogether thrufl: , vpon