Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

- 0 :f H A f pI N E s. 39 able reuolurion ofmiferie, from whichall,1e~erknow- · ledges can neuer fr~e him, . _without the helpe of the greater.. - .CH- A r. v r. The if tile . fVorld. . ·mvt·if in all this; 1 . ~ had t1id nothing, · . but that ftil in fpite . of all that hathbeene hlid, . thefc and the· like mafier– pieces of the world, would · of force befiow fotne hap- : ·pinelfe on Man, yet herein · I cannot choofe but to I:1y ' · fomething; t~at is, when :' \ dead!yG ckndfe , either ea· : C 5 fuall h · l