Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

--.-...--··--=-----.....--- Q ··t; --H A"' P ~ l :N ' E s., ;q_) .- ··;,_ ·- .- -- .. c~ou lhalt goe :int(fcmpti: · neff~ and va:llitie) thou and t~}t i ~hdugl1ts -fuall petfHh) ahd ~~hat· vlhich-remaynes oftheeirt the - \vorld~ ,{halbe . of an e-qu_all condition to that mould \Vherein it is in· ·clofed. ;-and the \vorld 'fllaH :confeH,Ie :thy duO: no-more then · it -doth thy fe11ow~ I duft, which Jyethnext vnto ·, h ' ' t ee. . - · . t I I , ' ; \ I ' c H A P, "~I Irvhat rtm.ryn,es ~(N~cejiitie fli : . he the htJppinejfo of lvftU1o , ·l , r. ' I HJ:Ow, t;he w;rld he- I ·liii ingtHusfhutvpand ! · · . bounded with vani· : tie, there· remayn~s onely ·;! that · . ·- ! I ' I