Rous - Houston-Packer Collection BV4647.J68 R69 1619

Sl . THE A R. T E 'w.ith their owne founda·tf. ons•.Surely, Power is tben moft pure &:abfolur~,when , it is leafi clogged \vith weight;-and maffines doth ' lode it, rather. then increafe it. And as ·i~ 'is of it felfe cleereand vncorporealJ, fo it cannot but ,proceed from a cleere, and pure Effenc;e, .things eue_r proceeding fro their like: and \V hat purer rhen a Soi rit? And to {but & vp - an in an cxperimentall .conclufion: We find in our telues an ex~e!lenteiTence, intelligent, vn-corporeall, inuiqbJe ·, vn-touchnble , (which are. theexpreffions ofa Spiri~) . wh~rebymany great works ar,~ performed, . an.d ther~by giue cuidenr · tefti·