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SERM r r Triumph of'F'aith. 97 . uied his Arms with greater Violence than before ; by this Hunger groweth fafter, Senfe ftronger; 'tis here, Ettt anrl be hungry, pray and dejire more ftrongty to pray. 3· ~~afons of God's not ~earing Prayer are, 1. SJ.Iperibtwus and falfe Worfhip, Ija. 16. r ?.. Moab wearied of his high Places, comes , ~, to his San8uary to pr4y, but prevaiteth not. Wildfire cannot roft raw Flefh. z. God hears not Sinners, John 9· 3 r ._ Let his P,rayer be Sin, Pfalm 109. 7· Yea the Prayers of :Britain are not hear'd, nor their folemn Fafts accepted; For l1:iquity hatb f eparated bet~·erm God and us, Ha. 59· z. 3· God heareth not when there's a Heart-love to Vanity, Pjat. 66. 18. Job. 3 5· 15· 4· God. qeareth not Ma,- lign_ant~, nor us, when many are Heart-Enemies to the Caufe, Pfat. 18. 41. 5· He heareth not b!cody Men, If a. 1. 1 5. Now for the Saints, Senfe maketh Non-anfwering a merciful Judgment, 'tis here as in Riches; he is rich, who thinketh hirnfelf rich. and defireth no more; fo that to be anfwered is a Plague; But to find you are not anfwered, ar:td be fad for it, bath much of Chrift: The S~ints are heavier, becaufe God anfwereth not, than becaufe the Mercy is denied. ~ ' · ~eft. Horw j/Jatt -we know we are anfwered ? AnL f!annah kh_e"Y it by Peace afrer Prayer. z.. Paut knew 1t, by_ rece1v!ng new Supply to bear the Want of that he fought 1n Prayer; he is anfwered, that is more heavenly after Prayer. 3· Liberty and Boldnefs of Fait!), is a Sign of an anfwered Prayer: The Interceffor at the Right-hand of God, cannot lofe his own Worf.c; his Sp1rit groaqeth in the Saints; Doth not my Head 2ccept what I fet my Heart on Work to do? Rom. 8. 23, 26, 27. compared with Rev. 8. ;, 4· \Ve are heard and anfwered of God, G when