Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

The TABLE. 1\ir. 7b1Pne's Afiertion of Grace • !' How .llntinomianr judge Sins to be correaed m th~ J ufl:ified , ib. How P11-pijls judge Sins to be puniflted iin the Juftified 2.9 ,That God puni1heth pardoned Sins, proved by feven Argurr.ents . . . 30 Rules to be obf«rved m Affiu~hon 34 A Land or a Nation muft be longer in the Fire than 1 one particular Perfon '3 o SE R M 0 N V. Satan worketh as a natural Agont without Moderation 37 Spiritual ~viis chafe few Men to Chrift;, three Grounds thereof 1 38 How Men naturally love the Devil ' 39 Satan, how an unclean Spirit · 40 It is true Wifdom to know God favingly ill. . What Hearing bringerh Souls ~o Chr1ft 41 Fuur Defects in Hearing , 1 4~ Hell coming to ~ur Senf<Js in this Life, 1hould not Caufe us oelieve without effeCtual Grace 43 It's good to _border near to Chrift' 44 SE R M 0 N VI. Crying in Prayer noceffary .45 Prayer fometimes wanteth Words, fo as Groarung goeth 'for Prayer 4 7 H ow many other Expreffions, betide vocal PrayinJ;11 go under tho Lieu of Praying in God"s..A.ccount '"·· Eight Objettions removed 48 te 5 :s Some Afteetions greater than Tears ib. Lo:>king up to Ideavcn J.>rayin' ib. B1·eathing Prayin' Th . 59 at