Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

Sitt~ 1 i '(rijnnph of Faith·: 1 ; 1 Way, not to the right of Salvation, but to the aB:ual •poffeffion of it : and as it is, or ftandetb ftated b'efore us in the Letter of the Gofpel, in a ' moral commanding, or a d'OCl:rinal, or ~ireB:ing Way, without the Efficacy of Grace, 1t can be nothing but a doB:rinal Mean, no more thal}. the Law-way is; for all GqjpeJ-Precepts witnout Grace, are as little available to us, as the Law_: .But in the third Notion, holy walking, as p~rformed by that Efficacious Grace promifed in the Covenant of Grace, is an Argument on which we may 'build our Peace, not as a Caufe, or a Merit deferving Peace, but as a Grace threaded upon the free promife of Go&: So the Saints have builded uuon their ftn~ere walking, as on a Fruit of the C~enant of G.race promifed to us, Yer. xxxi. 3 3· Jer. XXl\ii. 38. For fo Duties fpeak the Mercie~ promifed in the Covenant, v. . 39• ' And I will give them one Heart, and one Way, ' that they may fear me for ever: ' See Ezek. xxxvi. 27. Jfa. liv. 13. Upon . this Ground Ezekia!:J pleadeth with God, when he heard the Sentence of Death, !fa. xxxviii. 3· ' Re- ' membc:r now, 0 Lord, I befeech thee, ·how I ' have walked before thee in Truth, and with a ' perfeCl: Heart, and have done th9.J: which is ' Good in thy fight : ' And :David putteth his Faith. upo~ this, as a gracious Fruit of Grace promtfed m the Covenant of Grace : So 'IJavid pleadeth, and in Faith, Pf. lxx'Xvi. !.. Prejerve J nzy So.uJ; here is a Prayer in Faith, and upon what Ground, for I am holy, Now this would feem Pharifaical, and Merit-like, ifHolinefs did not relate to the free Promiieofthe Covenant o£ -Grace; in which God bath prcmifed, and ~ies him·