Rutherford - HP BS2575 .4 R975 1743

't66· 1ht 'l'rial and·- SER. r7 Perfecutor, a Yl l(ljphemer, 1 Cor. xv. 9· I am the. Jeaft of the .Apoflles ; Humility is no daring Grace, it !carce ~eek t? be a Door-keeper in, Heaven ; tt fetteth Itfelf tn Hdl. z, Though. Humility be well born, and of Kin to fweet J'efos, who is lowly and meek: Yet Chrift, and <.,hrift only is Humility's Freehold: The humblt Soul knowerh no Land -lord but Chrift, and is, only Grace's humble Tenant: There 1s none to , ,. him but the Lord Jefus with nis rich Ranfom of Blood, 1 'Iim. i. 1 6, n, So there is tnuch Humility in Heaven: If it were poffible that Tears could Be in Heaven, the humble Saints that are there fhould nor fefChr ift reacli Oi.1t a Crown to fet on their Head, bet they fhou1d weep and hold away their Head; yea, the glorified are ~Ihamed to bear a Crown of Glory on their H(:ad, when thev look Chrift on the Face; and fo cannot but caft down t/;;eir Crowns before the '1hrone, Rev. iv. 10 3· All the Saints truly humbled cry up.. Chrift, and down them{el ves : And1 in their own Books ar~ as far from Chrift as any, Matrh. viii. 8, 9· I a1n not ~vorthy that tbau jhouJ)jt come under my Roof, but JPeak the Hiord onty, 6nd m~v Servant jhatl be heated ; yea, we gather from · _7_o~'s pleading, Chap. xiv. That humble Saints thmk not themfelves only below Grace and :Mercy, but ·alfo below the Glory of Juftice and Wrath, Job xiv. 2. Jl.1a tt jleeth at{oas a jhado·w, and continueth not. 3· And daft thou open tN11e Eyes upon fuch a one, and bringefl me into Judgment with thte? 4· · J!Vho can bring a c!eim :Thing out 'Of an unclea11, not one ? He would fay, I am not only frail by condition of Nature, be·