Schlater - BS2725 S35 1627

92\1'°-_pQIA. :Zú: r r C H A P.Z, An ExpolittoY -pen the fill `/ & 8.17 1 ó Obfer. f 1o6.; z, r 8. g itr.yo.9. h motor 3,11. E,,devoured more abundantly,O.c. rtxd with great delre, Gracious affetiims the more they are oppofed, the more fir.. went they grow, by oppofLion their fervour is increafed : the Spirit in pprelled in Eáhu, i s f as Wine that hash no vent.The Word in Jeremy, as L fire in his bones. As Lime is inflamed by Water : as a fircame grooves . more furious by obflacles let againft it :is cold in winter, increafeth heat in the flomackc: fo do oppolitions graci- ous affeÜions. As corruption in carnall men becomes more finfull by the Commandemenr ; fo Grace in Gods children by that that would ütppretTe ir. Firfi, In temptation Faith vfually clafpes clofer to C,rifl : Prayer is moil feruent : vigilancy greater again(} the Aducrlary z mearnes, with more diligeiicy attended. Secondly, Affifrions increafe Patience: excitetofeeke the Lord more diligently. Thirdly, Euen finne it felfe occafionall encreafeth Grace. Gods Children riling againe,become follicitores, timoratiores, circumfpel1iores, feruentiores; as it were to make amends for former remiireuctre. Whether the Lord would Phew his Grace to be no whit inferiour to corruption ; that, as corruption in Na- ture Itormes molt when ir is oppofed by the comman& ment: fo Grace grower more feruent by Satans oppofi. tions.Or whether Gods children begin to thinks, there is Rime extraordinary excellency in that, whereof Satan labours to deprive them ; and therefore ftriue the more to maintains it. How it comes to paire, I determine not: but vfually we fee it traie: gracious afrcEtions are increa- fed by oppofsrions. This difcerncs counterfeits from current graces, thefe are inflamed; thole quenched by oppofsrions. There is fomething like faith,that is but fhaddow of it ; wouldeft thou know it from that faith that.faues ? when h perfectt- tionarifeth ferthe Gofpell, fuck 6eleeuersgoe away. There is fomething like loue, that is not loue to Gods Minifters, and