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AN EXPOS I TION with Notes vpon the firfl and fecond Epiales to the Thef- faionians. ,, By WILLIAM SCL ATEE D. D. and Minifter of the Word' or. Gcd at Pit- miner in S o M- AI ERSET. LONDON, Printed for I. Parker, and are cc be fold by Georg. e Vincent at his fhor in Pails church-yard at the iigne (.1 the croire keyes. 7 6 2 7. 7-4

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W5tgN1 VS" 4teeht'W rIVGiJ'a TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE THE LORD STANHOPE, BARON oF HA RINGDON, ONE OF his Maiefties ma+ Honorable Pri- uic Councell, Mercy and Peace bemultiplicd. I ht Honourable and my very good Lord:Senfibly he fpake, and fittingly to his times, who wailing laid ; Nurquam inueni requiern,nifi in libro & claufiro. (Alentior, if my foule accord him not. A window too Toone I opened it,as Noah to his Doue, to fee, if yet the bilIovvesofthe ancient Deluge were calmed if in forne eminent Mountaine the might find a place to fettle on. And behold, all fwelling with the forges of Ambition, or foyled with the flume of Az Luxury

. S`;<_`/'- ' p.[}TY JYïYill,twk aA. w :,eßtdyá'.i%..`- ,' ./-f.4.:r.: '`. ;t1 P10.3o 8>. a Accl.y2A3. THE EPISTLE L':xurie and ha Ceti Auaricc : no place fafe where (bee may pitch her fours. Bleffed be that God, that giucs the hand, to reed at. her backe into the Arke. o mundeìmmunele, raid Saint Auflinein his holy indignation; How fattens our pureft fub- (tance on thy poll utions ?why feekes it tea in that, vhofecornpofi:ion is of tumults? y. g,,, 64,, that haue begun:re by Grace,to retire my minde from the tumultuous hurly- burlies it is tofl'ed withall. And now with Agur I pray, Lord, feeele me with roads conmenient for me : my Tnguriolurmi,my little Sheep corc,affoording retired privacie,fhal yeeld more rranquaitie,then the See ofhim,thatwould. be 'tiled, Monarch of the Catholique Church. Right Noble Lord, fallor::? or doth your heart applaud, vs ? that .hauing.more eaenrfuru ewed what suer ¿on *entmcnt theRciyällëfl Court could affoocf; and fp.ent the better dayes in fcruice to the State, at length makes choice of privacie, as fafeft harbour for old Ag..,Wla daet,trow I, doe you more pitie rnenlaundhing into tharErìripta, or praise God foryour own:: fare arriuáll? Thanks be to God,that hath fafe rendred you to.your felt, and caught you to Snake deuotió the tasks ofyour Ag .á Hoè erg omn s'1Ioriio,ro feare God and keep his commandements.Continue herein,I dare promife. your con fcience more tranquilitie , your perforu, more honoitr,then allthe Courts ófthewoad can, afford you.StïlI lët yodr foule ne,ëittrtbured on the beaurie of the Lords houfe : Still rn akc your CIofet á'Tcmple,whèrein the praises of God may found !

DEDICA7ORIR. found day and night.thec via admagniRegiPala- tinm. To vrge perfeuerance and Progreffe in fan - eAitie,is the bent of the Scripture,though proba- bly the first of the New Testament, tceotim egv,,k, hold fait what you haue received : gleeifaithfudl that hath prormifed to glue you the Crowe of Life. Exiguum eli plod ref? at. To faile in the last Mt is not fo fhamefull,as difcomfortable,ftth wee know who Paid, * old flge muff bemore fruitful. If to thefe intentiôs my poore paynes may be vfeful to your Lordihip,and the Church of God,I haue what I feeke; for other things, prouidebit Dew. To whofe gracious guidance and bleffing,I humbly betake. your Lordship; and rest. Tour Lordit ips Chaplain, readie to be commanded, FromPitmif%rinSommerf:t, SEPTS M E.t,. I ail S.

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onm e:;n n3c.s ,twzn NSWV \''Ily'it lex4jex ,t 0468404 `*VisRAP To the Reader. Firtaian f eader,a Debter I ac- knowledge my felfe to the Church, by calling: moreouer, by prornife : but conditionate ;fo be it I.might kno,Abat accep- tance ny fárfl fruits found ;*Alit', the Church of God. Such,I now hear, e, not without my thank - fulneJ fe to God, as farre exceeds expeaation; or defert. Thedelay of the remainder. bath had thefe caufes.. Firf, that late intelligence. Secondly, other runceafing gaines: Thirdly, the Naufea 04,, L offome at home ,whom no Sermon pleafeth ,longer then it is in hearing; nor otherwtJe,then it is ex- tant in their own broken ,andfometimes fenf lef Notes. Fourthly, and now that flagellum flu dioforuin,Calculus Renum,tiexing ad ma-- ciem, ad í}uporern : which bath made meet= rr:of.f C-a

-Age= *3+:gi/d.1vtit.r'sAäriY*: -:49tt`tárr,t' 4..1'.a .:d .. -_. °.:..r...+------ ,. . molt a meere Peripateticke in my fludáes. For poore nie onely it is finfu. to hope, or accept abi= lities Jo much 44 may afford an AmanuenGs to take my 17-iaates. Scilicet, God naoiles ,where he ìrftfèates vs. Himbeät, my foecifaue houres, if ficknefs, or prefénter paynes afford any, I promue to be wholly iu ployed that 1)ay. Meane wbil e, if anyes thir bee as that of him in his flight ,hee may perhaps in theft Homi- lies ad populum nde,what to thirf l' may a ord,if not f ïveetnefs, yet fauaur. 'rayinghelpe of thyprayers, Thine in the Lord, William Sclater.

I A N EXPOSITION V PO M THE FIRST EPISTLE of PAVL to the THESSALONIANS, 1. THtissi , I. I. Pall and Siluanus, and Timotheus, vnto the Church of the The f falonians, which is in God the Father, and in the Lord leftes Chrii : Grace bee onto you, and peace from god our Father, and the Lord lefus ChrJ1, He Infcription of the E. piffle; wherein are, firft, the pet Fons fending.Se- cond!y, the ptrfons to whom its fent.Thirdly, the tivx,,, or greeting. Theperfons fending are Paul, Siluanus, and Timotheus. In the Epif'cles to this Chinch it is obferuable, tha.the Apof}le prefix- eth his name without any Title ofdignity or office. In S others,

e , ,_ dC A P. r. An Epofition vpon the firft V s R. I, a r Coy. 9. S ó Gal.'. and D, others,dignifes his perfon with forne Title of refpeft: an Apoftle, or a Servant of God, or both. Interpreters en. quire reafon of it,and thus refolue. Some impute it to his modellic, and delire to Winne his AlYociates fome egaa- litie of refpeEt : f otne to his prudence, and care to auoyd fcandall,that might arife ámonglt Nouices, from !hew of arrogancie : lome to this, thatperhaps they were Aot pc- ftered with falfe apoftics, as other Churches, amongft whom he needed to auow his calling: whether one or o- ther, is not much materiali to inquire: neither occurres any thing offpeciall notice, except this, That it iee for e. timer Iawfrall for a Minifier, to vfe thofe Titles of honour and reverence, mherervith God bathgraced him; fontetimes ?rare conuenient the affirming fhonld beforeborne. P n V a, where he fees the authority and fruit of his Miniftery, hazarded by denyall of his Titles, inflfls largely in auowing of them; as to a Corinthians, and Galatians; and where hee fees concealement more conuenient to avoid {hew of vaine glory, he omits them. The like is requifite for vs. There are people fo idlely affeêed with Titles of dignitie, that the fame Truth bath more or kiTe authority with them, according to diffe- rence ofperibns,in thee refpefts,that propound it.There are men of another ftraine, fo vtterly diftafting all Titles in a Minifter, that the mention of them, on any occaton, is cenfu red ofvaine glory, and the doEtrine it felfe fo much the leife regarded, it is force part of a Miniftcrs prudence, in axle trifles to Ice, what is moll conuenient for the peoples edification. Minifters I haue knowne of reuerend parts for learning and confèience, whole whole Minifterie path beene therefore defpicable amongst I- diots, becaufe nor Birth, nor Vniuerfity degrees haue commended them to the world;, fo idlely are filly people caryed away with trifles: yet when gold is offered them, their care is not great how bate the perfon is that brings it. Nor fhould it bee much materiall, by whom Gods Lord : % 1&'!, ;`.i !4`j¡..i!+,6; `:.r,r `av''°{"'i`-.

CHAP. I. .Epiille to the r heffalonians. V E R.I. Word is brought veto vs; whether by Ifaiah, as fume thinke, a Prophet b of the blood Royall: or by Amos, from e amongli the Hearslmen a fTekla. His AIi'ociates are Siluantas and Timothy. Siloam feemcs the fame with Silas, who d ioyned his pa ines with buskin find preaching to this people. Timothy had a11ò his imploymenc there, not without profit for theircon- fîrmation. It is here inquired, how aiíociated ro Paul, whether as ioyxst Authors in inditing the Epidle ? It rio where appeares,that they had diuine infpiration, as Apof}les, and Prophets; or were chofen by Gods Spi- rit, to pen Scripture, rather thinke them mentioned, as Approuers of the Doetrines, and Exhortations here de- liuered. Was not Pawls authority fufcient to commend them to Gods Church ? Sufficient,no doubt,in it fen : yet inafnruch as the re- uerence of there two was great in the Church of Theffa- Ionica, Paulioynes them vnto him : that by all meanes he might procure ref 'pef} to his doctrine. lawjull then to vfe humana fubfidia, humane helper for aduanta,v nf the truth. e The Apodles, and Elders, and Brethren goe ioyntly in the decrees at I erufalern, that by vniuerfall confcnt Gods people might be more fwayed to obedience. Very f Heathens tedimonies are not refufed by Apoftics,to aduanrage the Truth. Like courte is war- ranted to vs,where we may fee Gods Truth may thereby getaduantage. What if the name of a Father, or forne later Writer be fometimes heard in the Pulpit ? what pre- judice receiues the Scripture thereby ? I neuer liked that thicke heapingof Fathers fentences in popular Sermons. It fauours too much of oflentarien, and tends little or no- thing to edification ; much lefTe can I approue their alle- gation, as of' Authors fo authenricke, as to itnpofe on vs a necelíitie of beleeuing, becaufe they fo teach ; yet are B a there 3 b Rabbi Salo- plea apud zy- ram. Pro lfaiam- Amos r. I. aAt. r74. QeÌf eA?nfw. Obfer. Aa. r5.z3. EAFi.17.48. lames I.17. vft.

4 s a iiga f . cont. epiji Funda- menti,cap.s. h 1ob.4 42. 2 Mar.1.27. 4 k Aug. cont. dare EpiJi.Pe- Bonifae. 66,4. cap. ?. ,.. CHAP.( AnExpofitionuponthefrrfi Vfix,t. there Times,and Pliees,and Refpeets,wherein their men- tion May be of tome auaile for Truth. Fir(t, As, with fome men, who knowes nor, but their Names more Tway, then the Names of Prophets and A- poflles ? What it in that cafe we deliuer the fame Truths vnder other Names,condefeending fo farre to their infir- mity for a while ? g Saith S. Au/len, I had not beleeued the Cofjiell, had not the Authority of the Church forayed with me. It was his IntroduEtion to Faith : afterwards, h as Samaritars, hebeleeuesvpon firmer grounds. If by vs :they be vfed as Introduaions for a time, I fee not what impeachment it is to credit of Scriptures. Secondly,Wecannot be ignorant, how vfuall the im- putation ofNoueltie is to rcuiued Truths. i wet new Dott<rineis this fay the people in Chrifts time Admiring his Miracles, fay ours; denying the Truth, for (hew of Noueltie. In fuch cafe, if wee (hew the Succeffion line - all of our Faith and Praftice, and lo take that Cauill from the Ignorant, me rhinkes the Truth flill gets ad -. uantage. Thirdly, And heare we not oft how wegoe alone,rnd delight in tingularity ? Why may wee not remoue that Imputation, by (hewing confent of Churches Ancient and Moderne ? Fourthly, There are extant in Path ers,Expofïcions and DoEcrines ofScriprure,in teal mesfo fignificanr, as better occorre not to our moll ferious Meditations : why it (hould be vnlawfull to vttcr them in termes of the Au- thors, rather then our owne,l know nor. k AdCuramnof%ramexeflitnopertinera con /òlásns Scrip- turas SanEhts Canonicas aduerfna eos tefles adhibere, T/e- rumetiam de Sanëforamlíterie, qui ea ante nos fama celeber- rirnd & ingenti elen d tratIauerhnt, aliqua ddcuvvrenta pro - ferre; non quo Canonici,' libris cl noble vlline di, bhtatorir a- quetur autboritas, fed vt ('ciant a noble ret`latn anti - gseitìssfundatam Catbolicam fdem aduerfio recenteno Pela- gianorum

I CH AP. I. Einfile to the Theffadonians, V ER. Z. Zianerxm h ereticorurn prafumptionem perniciemgteedefendi. Patres allege, ron tangtezm principium probandi dogmata Ecelefia, nec tanyuamIudices; fsd vt tef es duntaxat confers fui in doilrinoi interpretation Script air arum : vtft ex ~is verbiaq:sodfentio dice, quij iam non afequatur,exPatrum verbis enteNigett. The perlons to whom the Epiflle is direfl;ed, are next intimated and defcribed, To the Church of the Thetfa- Ionians. The City, whence the inhabitants haue their name, is famoufy knowne to haue beene the Metropolis or Mother-City ofMacedonia,anciently called Thermz, new-built by Philip King of Macedonie, after his con- vet} of Thelialie; for Monument of which Vic`1ory, it was fo reedified ánd enlarged, and obtained that name : Euen now a famous Emporie for Indian Merchandi fe ,but Maginua ii fubieft to the Dominion and Idolatry of Turkel, known Geogaph. by the name ofSaloniki. In this Citie,God was pleafed by the Miniftery ofPaul and SihaA,to collet} a Church; the Hi brie fee ,Alf. 17. noting the Tumults railed agaínf} them by the 'ewes: I fuch,that Patel was forced, for fafetie of his perron, to flye tom Bel æa; and the Saints that game him entertain- rn Alls 17. Xe. ment, efpecially n Iafon, frarce found fecurity in their n Verses. owne houles; yet there God pleated to colleft him a' Church, So true is it, That where God will gather him a Church, ' Obieer. no oppofition of Men, er Dewills,can hinder it : Yea,oft Ex- perience hash Mewed; where haue beetle moll violent Oppofrions,Gods Word hath moll mightily grown and ' preuailed. At E helirs, what Tumults were rayfed by ° Demetrius , and the Crafts -men? yet a more worthy 0/tai 19; 23, Church wee fearce finde amongí} them of Afla. The 24,15, eac. Apoille mentioning it by occafion,fayth, There mu ope- ned P a great Doore, and etfetfnall; great occafion of do. pi ter.16.9. ing much good, brat many aduerfaries. Like read *ee of q Corinth, Yea, in the Court of Nero, vnder the note of g4as 18.16. B 3 that 1 Potan. Prsfat, in Bolen'''.

C^ 31M0- 01-. ll w VS IR n.. i .* j A 1: : 6 r1'bi1, f Tertsilian. iu Apologet, ad Cakem. 'VP I. tz Tim. z,g, Y .Aas i 39 * t f.z1.z. C H A P. r. Ait Expofltion vpots the firfl V E ít.r. that bloodie Tyrant, in r C e s AR s houfehold was a Church collected. And generally it bath beene obferued, in Places and Times,whcre Gods Truth hatkb cene moft oppoled by Pertécutions, it hath tnoft preuailed, that. the Church may fay of it ferle as lefeph, The Lord bath made mefrseitfull, in the Land of my afflillion. That made Ter_ tullianinfult ouer the cruelty of Tyrants, and aftera fort exafperate it. f Cruciate, torquete, damnais, attente nes. -- Exquifitior quaque crudelitas vefira, illecebra eft magic flee. Flores eficimur, quoties metitnur s vobu. Semen eft fanguis Chriftianorum. How fhould thisadde courage to vs Minifters in our Funélion, be we encountred with neuer fo many Aduer- faries and Oppofitcs againft the Truth e What good the Lord will haue vs doe, wie (hall doe, and none !hall be a- ble to withlland it. 1fuller afiEbion unto bonds, fayd the Apoftle; C But the Word of Çc4 ¡e not bound; that ftil hath palíage. Yea,where wee fee ftriuing of Aduerfaries, and Contradictions, thus let vs thinke, Some good is in wor- king,Sathan now feeles his Kingdotue begin ro totter. its but our weaknetle and ignorance, if there things difmayvs. Oppoutions haue euer beene in all places, where the Gofpell hath firft béene planted. The Deuil! neuer left his polïelúon, without much bickering and op- petition. But great is the Truth, and preuaileth. Where we find Aduerfaries, thus thinke we, The doors is opening; occafìon giuen vs to gaine to the Church of God. Mee thinker, in this refpeEt, the counfell of Gamaliel fhould fway with Oppofires, if not for Confcience, yet in Policie, toforbeare their cut butent Oppofrions, left haply they be found u fighters againfl God. Ifit bee ofGod, they cannot overthrow it. Why rage * the Heathen ? Why band they theinfelues acainf the Lord and his (.24i- ah ? Yet hash Vet his Kongzpon his holy Hill Sion, Ewen by thole meancs aduanced he his Chrit+into the Kingdoms of his Church, whereby Sathan laboured to hinder it. Our . bands

C H A P. I. Ept'Ifle to the 4-he lonisms. V $ $ . i . bands, faith P A V L, x haue faire cut rather to the furtke- x plhil. r -r z. ranee ofthe Gofpell : zeale grcwes in Gcds children by oppofition. The confhancieof Gods people in Tertuni- < ans time, was much admired by Tyrants, howeuer fcof- fingly they termed it obHinaey. « And,iKs.ipfa s6tinatio, . rertalllwa Y Team exprebrati:, mag f ra efl, Q`is enim non contempla- fwpra. time eitts concutitur,ad requirendum quid intue inrefst ?2uis non vbi regsai fiuit,accedit? vbi acceffit, pati exoptat ? Wee fee how powerfully God was ple aled to breake thorow oppofìtions, to fulfill his purpofe, in calling this people to the flare of his Church. Compare their flare prefenrx wee (hail fee in them a fpeftacle of Gods impar- tialliuflice, They were a Church famous, through the world; the fame of their faith founded farrc and neere : Their place now become a receptacle for Mahomet, a Synagogue for Satan, a Temple for Turkifh Idolatrie : So, true is ir, that gods Kingdome sr tyed to no particular Obfer. place orpeople.Churches may becomeno Churches;where now God bath his Church, Idols, yea Deuills, may here- after be worfhipped.The Churches of letter Afïa, famous in their times, into their roomer haue fucceeded abomi- nable Idolaters. Betbel,oncc Bethel, the Houtè of God; wader Jeroboam, became YBeth -anen, the houfe of iniqui- y Hof 4 :S. tie. Icrufalem, the praife of the whole ea th, had pro- miles fingular made unto ir, f lch as had no particular Church in the world betides. z Here is my refs; here:rill1 2P¡al.r3s.4. Abide for ester : yet now, the place become a heape of 1 A Hones,. and the people difperfedwithout a King or Pro- aHofa.3; 4. li 'het, any (hew of a people of God. This is the Lords do- mng,and it is maruellous in our eyes. Learne we hence,b not to be high- minded but to feare: for vp. 0,c oofGodfpared not natural' branches,not other Church es,take bRom, W.O. i me heed lefiheealfosarenot vs. Wee Hand yet by Gods zt- nrercy in (late of his Church ; having in gracious mea- litre Gods Truth taught and profetfed amongfl vs . But hall delude our felues, if wee th inke this fauour fo tycd 1 B Qi vitro

1d0i<"+..'i. ? J*-ïdl:kw:ás,,'41dFew®ak% 't.-a`lk.*d7"n i._ ---- s. 8 Deut.i9. t9. d ler, 7'4+99 e verfe tz, ft Cer, io. ta. g irai. 04,5 h z Chron. 56. 153 96. i Amos 8.2l. k Heb. 3. rg. CH A P. t . 4n Expofition upon the firfl V e a. I vnto vs, that by no vnthankfulnetfe,or difobedience wee may make forfeiture of it. I could wi(h it lérioufly me- ditated in thefe fecuretimes,whercin how true is it that men a 61e(fe themfelues in their wickedne f fe , and adde drun- kenneffetothirfl; and as Ifiraelites, when they lined in Theft, Adulterie, all abominations, yet becaufe the d Temple of the Lord wasamong}tthem,fecured themfelues from Gods wrath; fo wee, for the Church and Gofpels fake yet continued. I fay as the Prophet, C Goeto Shiloh take view of Rome, ThefIalonica, Churches of Afìa, where once God fer his Name:fee what bee bath done to them; made them feates for 4ntichrift, and curlèd Ma- hornet. Thefe things hapned co them f ar enfamples, and are writtenfor our warning, to make vs cautionate,that we fall not by example of like vnfaithfulnelfe, and difo- bedience. Sinnes expofing to like wrath ofGod; Firfl, g bar- rennefe and rebellion. Secondly, h cruell vfage of Gods Meifengers. Thirdly, i light etleeme of the Word of God; this bringsthat famine tobe trembled at; that ei- ther the rarenefre may make it precious, or the vtter re- moouall lay vs open to the extreame wrath ofGod. In God the Father and in the Lord Iefut Chrift. A de. fcription of the Church of God, as lbme thinke, to put difference betwixt Chrillian Church es,and the atremblies of Pagans and !ewes, which are not in God, but in I- dols ; not in Chrift, but in an abfolure god, whom they conceiue, and worfhip out of the blelfed Trinity. In the Farber, and the Sonna, that is,fay fòme, in the faith and worlhip ofthe Trinity ; lay others, in blelfed and hea- uenly fellowfhip with the Father and Sonne, by bond of the Spirit : let vs adde, that the words import a kinde of k crs,and fublillence in the Dierie,by meanes of that vnion myllicall betwixt Chrift and his Church. Lo,here the highdignity and priailedge of 'the Church of Cod , brat after a fort to the Deitie in Chrift, and made one rritb it ; the U

C it A P. I. Epiftle to the Thef alotriares. V ER. I. 1 the Father in vs,wa in him;the fruit fhewes it, mentio- ned by meter, that wee are made partakers ofthe diuine Nature : after a fort Deifïed,fay fame Ancients, harfhly; their hyperbole thus mollifie; Gads nature wee partake analogically, not vnivocè. Ir teacheth vs, Grft,in to purge our felues, from allfilthi, nefeof flelh and tpirir, that we may prefcrue our fubfì- ftence in God. Secondly, Ton feparate from all focietie with Idola- ters, and other profane perlons, of the World, that jeth in that wicked one. The fv;dt or greeting followes; wherein are,firft, the bleffings wifhed, Grace and peace. Secondly,the Authour orFounraine, God the Father. Thirdly, the Mediatour, the Lord Iefiss Chrifl, The explication and vfe of this claufe, fee in the Annotations adR nean.eap.z. Grace,in Scripture liignifïes either the fauour of God, or the free gifts itluing therefrom : Peace, O fometirnes reconciliati- on with God : vfually, after the phrafe ofthe old Tefta- ment, profperitie. Grace,here vnderftand Gods fauour; peace, happinetie, and profperity; diftinguithed by S. John into profperity of the outward eftate, and profpe- rity of the foule, as thy foule proffiereth. The Apoftic prayes nor the Gift donation,but rhe,Erft, continuance. Secondly, q multiplication. Thirdly,fitller manifeftation of Gods fauour to this people. By degrees god manifefis hts fauour to his children, and by drops, as it were, inffills the feeling of his loue. Lc t not Chrittianswonder at ir, when as of Chrift it is laid, hee grew, asin ftature,and wiredome,fò in fauourwith God. Shall we fay dfusnci c onely? and oft enjiuè? in Mature we arefure real ly,why not alto in wifedome and fauor with God ?as S. flmbrofe, F'ulgentitas, and other Ancients, long agoe interpreted, limiting themléluesto his huma- nity, and that flare of humiliation and penalty, which for our fakes he underwent. Neither fec I how it thould feet= 9 I : 1017. .II43 z Peter i+ arzCor.:. n s Cor.16.14. 1i lobn f. 19, oRrm.s,t. P 3 lobn 2. qtPet.t.s. Obfer: r Like z. fa. * Ambrof de inyarnat,Aom. Sacrament. c. . Fulger.t- ad Tbref. lib.:. 1)

+B! '9etqáz' ; .er:: ... _.. _ .. 1 I O C H A!. I . ñ1f ExpofstiOfJ vpol? tbt,firfä f ,41at.11.46, tExe1<.44.3,4; YéL u Gen.17. I®, x Ram. s. s. s. yryy a . . .+. feeme f}range,being vnderftood of.the manifcf}ation of Gods fauour, Peeing we read him cornplayning,that hee was f forhkén of God, (peaking ad fenfuno, according to that no feeling ofGods fauour, in the agonie of his Par. (ion: in the Saints of God, it can by no meanes ( cerne a Paradoxe,if that be rrue,that our atrurance of Gods loue isexperimentallonely ; and their euidence none other, . then what arifeth from fanßification:fo much as thou art fanflified,fo much experience & fenfe hail thou of Gods fauour; and if that bee not perfired but by degrees, as EzelieI A11egoriefeemes to import; by degrees is the fauor of God made manifefl vnto vs. The more 1 wonder at their arrogancy, that being Nouices only in Chrifliataity, dare prattle ofa ñe9poetz, fulnetfe of afTurance of Gods fauour to them in Chrif}; that which others of longer 'landing, and farre greater progreire in (anflirie, dare not atfume; thefé yeflerdays men proclaimeto haue obtained. To whom may I nor fay as Is AA c, ,t How haueyee foundfo foone my Tonnes Gods loue is nor prefently X powredinto the heart, but af- ter many confiif}s with doubtings,combars with corrup- tion, experiences of Gods mercy, gather we 'firmnetfe, rather then fulneffe of afitrance. No leiTe maruell I at their peremptorineiTe,titat allow tono man fharein Gods fauour,in whom are,at any time: doubtings, oftheir adoption and truth of fanfiification. They erre,not knowing the Scriptures,nor flare of their owne hearts. Was euer any mans faith fo firme,but was fometirnes encountred, and after a fort, mattered with ditlrufl ? The Saints, wj;tide faith is moll renowned in Scripture,are found at times bewraying vnbeliefe. That famous Mofes, of whom ir is Paid, Y He indored aeeifhee hadfeene hint that isinuifi6le, is found at length queflio- ning the 1 power ofGod, which hee had feene in all their patiage, by fo many experiments proued. Refolutely, iáid 1 o u, a ?hough he kill me, yet will ltruf/iin him ; yet reade

C u a P.I. Epe`J#te te the Theffaóonians. V a R. E; 3 .1 I I reade we him wauering, and diftrufifully fearing, left by continued aff7i tions,he fhould b deny the words of the Ho- b lob 6. ro, z!. y one. Thefummeisthis ,ltra our dmtie,etoendeauouralit rance: our miferie, and (inne alto ro doubt of Gods loue; yet our mate generali in this life, to bee incumbred with diftruflfull doubtings of Gods faueur ro vs in Chrift. And of the Infcription thus farre. VERB. a.3. Wegiuethanker to Gadalwaies for you all, making mentían ofyou in ourprayers, Remem6ring, without ceafng,your work! o f faith,and labour l clime, and patience of hope in our Lord 'elms Chrif, in the fight of God even our Father. ,° ,mv).r7oefrHe matter of the Epiflle now followes. ( ` It is 1pentpartly in commendation of this people; chiefly in exhortation : firfl, to perie eranceinthe faith and grace rear- tied: Secondly, to progreffc and going forward to perfeEtion. The three firft Chapters perfwade continuance; the two latterprogreffc in Grace; Tome other particulars are incidentally touched,but thefe arc the chiefe bent of the Apoftle. The maine incentiue to perfeuerance inf nuated in this Chapter,ir,the confideration of the rich Grace of God, beflowed on them by the Apofllesminifterie,andthe ge- nerall fame thereof in the Churches of God; from both which forcibly is inferred the necelity of their care to maintain! their Elation; firma they could not be ignorant, how much more defperate the cafe is, d to remelt from a a Pet.s,at. Grace, then neuer to receiue it. And out of Naturall principles accorded by Scripture, know the price of a =good Name,how much it exceeds the molt precious oynt- Esc1.7.7. ment.

'<titi..6?ab'% '9 ..kINef- 12 C FI A P. I. tin Expofatien vpan the_ firJi V a R.z. 3, ment. And how much more inglorious and fhamefull it to ceafe to be, then neuer to haue beene religious. To this A rgument,the A pottle prefaceth with thankf- giuing to God, the foie Author of all Graces that they had receiued; profeffing alíò his inflance in prayer for their eflablifhment and profeftion in grace; to this end, that they might neither be puffed vp with telfe- conceit, by his ample commendation; nor forget, that their con firmation & perfiting in grace, was to be expeetedfrom that f God of all grace, b who had berme the rod werke in them. In the words we haue two things; Ertl, Paull offices and as of loue performed on their behalfe: thankfgi- uing and prayer to God. Secondly, his motiue or incite- ment thereto, Remembrance of the graces of God be -i Mowed on them; three whereof are mentioned, Verfe 3.1 the three Theological!venues, each of them amplified) by their effeEts, all by their founduetre and truth, in the fight of God, &c. From Pauli. at in giuing rhankes to God for graces beftowed on this people, is obferued, how not for our owne gracious eflate one y,bnt for others Wings infpirttuall things, weought to be a feEled vnte thankefsalne fe. Fig ft, Pra&ice of h Angels and i holy Men. Secondly, cömunion of Saints. Thirdly, glory thence acere wing to our God and Saui- our. Fourthly, our owne benefit arifing from vie thereof in their communication, by exhortation, k comfort, ex- ample, perfwade ir. Larger handling and application of this point, fee in Annotations ad Rom. cap. t.whither I remit the Reader. The graces forwhich h e giues thanks,are Paith,Hope, and Loue: Their nature may, on fame fitter occalon, be hereafter handled;their Defcription by effffs here only, take notice of; their Faith working; their Loue laboriou; their Hpc attended with patience: The worke of Faith, there be that interpret all good offices & fruits, growing from faPet.S.TO. g phil,1, 6. Obfer. t.; IMM,.°: , -.. g

CI4AP,1. Epißleto the Ttefalottiax$. VPn,z.3. from this radicali vcrtue of Faith, towards God, our Neighbour, our felues : none that wor ke xp7 t oxnt' per - feuerance: what if wte take it, for that Ertl etiident fruit thereof', the r purifying of the heart: as the Apcftle aflociats conuerfion vnte ir, Verf,9. And fecondly, after this fénie, their holincfle is more gully and diftinftly, according to all parts thereof, expreffed. . ToLoue,he gluts labour, m as elfcwhere:thcreby inti- mating their vnwearied induttrie, and diligence in pro- curing, and furthering the good of Gods Church. To Hope,patience, n the expeftationcf eternall life, being that that mitigates and fweetens the bittereft afAi- ftions incident into this life. How alluoui andfullofliuelibooei, and operation, all fa- uinggraces area is the note. Saith Peter,hauing reckoned-vp the gifts ofSanctification, whence wee gather atThrance of calling and cleftion: if thefe thins: beeinyouand a- bound, theymake you, thatyoufiiall neither n bee idle nor vn- fruitfull in the knowledgeof Chrif, particulars viewed euì dente it plentifully. P The wifedome that is from about., is pure, peaceable, gentle, eafe to be in a word, full ofinercy .andgood fruits. r Loue, truely Chriftian, how fruitful! and frill of operation : like thinke of all Graces accompanying faluation; herein they haue all a relith of their Fountains; that they are aftions operatiue, full of }iuclihood and eflcacie. A meditation rroff needful! for there idle, and there- fore dif %mbling times: whereto, on this ground,thar of Salomon may not vnfitly b e applyed :r Every man will boat¢ of his ovine rig bteoufnef e, but where may wee finde a faithful! man? thou lily eft thou ballfairh,whereby thou l.opeft to be fau e d: But wilt thou know, O vainc man, f that faith with- out work! isdead ?equiuocally faith, that is, in truth, no faith, at leaftinetieflual! tolluation ? wee may by no meanes thinke he bath faith towards god, that hath not t repentance alfo froth dead worker; and U care to purge fe f e fliï, If. g. o 3 Pet.I. 8. p ram: 3.17. ql Cora 3,4i 5)6)7. Oft. r Pio. zo: 6. f Iam.a, zo, tHeb.6. I. u r lob,3.3

`.i--r.w- I¢ x 0.4attb.24.1 z. yGen.49. I. zTjal,r zz.6, t '4. a t Cor. 3. 9, b T Tim. S.T S. dlob.zt, Tir 6, I7r. ePhil.3,r4, f zCor.4, r 7, t Rom. 8. Ty,' Tint. 2.02, C H A P, t. iln Expo f tiox ^upon the,i&rfi V ¡elfe at Coedit pure. Loue, I coddle,- is much talked of, & much ciimended;but the proucrbial complaint touch- ing the lot of all vertue,bell fits this ofloue: it is praifed indeed, but waxen cold: aslfJachar, fo generally Chri- Ilians, fee a Y QoodnefJ"e in eafe. ft is loue enough, they thinke, to will: well to the Church;to 2 pray for the peace, and building vp of Ierufalem,though they moue nor one l'tane to raiic the walls thereof It were well, this idle loue were found amongfl people ottcly,and had not fpred to force parr of the Minifterie alto. We mutt remember that the detcriptionof our calling, by the toyle of a husbandman, and of b Oxen treading out the corne, and fuch like, were not refemblances peculiar to Apoftolicall funaion, but ought to bee anfwered in our mduttric. d Simon, faith our Sauiour, Lomeli thou me ?feed my lbeepe: they loue not Chrift, who being Miniflers, feede more themfelues then their fheepe. What fhould I fpeake of the tendernefte and delicacie of the times, inrefpeEl of the Crotte : They are Flea -bi- rings, in comparifun to the flings ofScorpìons, that wee are called to fuffcrfor righteoufnell:e; if wee cafe backe our eyes to former times ofperfecurlon. The hope ofour ecalïzng íe high; the glory hyperbolically f waightie, and euerlafling ; the ala55lions light and momentary. Hope wee profetretoraignc with Chrift; yet g refufeto fuffer' with him. Non fia6it, non crititud: heehathnopromufe for hope to rat on, that for the hope fake of heauen, is not patient in tribulation. VERS. 4. Knowing, 'Brethren beloued,yoxr eleïlion of G od. Haller that (of God) be referred to belo- ued,or to eleEtion,the Tex,: is indifferét: A f econd moriue to Pants thankfgiuing and prayer on this peoples behalf,is here ipeci- bed. íY;.r`+pp;;i&`..rPl`Ì+I-.f °,'sy /sÌ, a.'r,,., _rl

tEpiflle to the Theffalonianr. V a a.4. I t S ifled. The k woe n ledge he had of their elaEtion:The media and euidenccs, whence his allurance arof è,arc propoun- ded in the Verres following. The queftion here falls in,whether one may know the elation of another. There is, I vnderítand, a new Paraclete lately drops out of heauen, able by infpeEtion to difcerne and reueale to any man, his elation :that reades in a mans forehead e -I IeEtion written,in as faire Charafters, as that infcription; on the high Priefts forehead, h Holineffeto the Lora. 6Exod.2 , This high-(owne Eagle was ?leafed toftoope lb low,1 as to catch flyes, namely, to vfe forne notes:ofmine vpon this Text, as his owne,. without any alteration in fub- I Rance, fauouring of his owne induftrie, fàuing what hee' was pleafed to imploy his memorie in. I owne them no longer; as Fidentine the Poets fcroll, fo hath hee made'' 'them his owne enough, I wondred, I confeffe, a man of his Seraphicall fpirit vnderraking maintenance of fuch I paradoxes againft receiued iudgement of the whole- Church ofGod, would moue in fo low a fpheare, as to ' take me with him in his walke,& to plow with my Hey_; fer: more, to fee him fofyllabid preaching mine other' notes, and 1 offingly reieEting the receiued Diftinflion of infallible and charitable iudgement, as là of.' ignorance,and hauing no footing in the Word of God. To the q.ueftion,miueanfweres were thele: firft,there is one reafon of fngtslar perfòn ; another of intire Con-: gregatioias: offingulars,all we haue, is a probable conic - &ire; yet ofinrire Congregations, where the Word is fetledly preached and preuaileth, might Paul, may wee indefinitely lay, they are eleéizeel; giuing the whole deno minarion of the better part, becaufe it is more then pro_' bable,where God will haue his word powerfully preach - ed,there bath he forne people, i a tenth, at leaf}, that fkll i 1¡ai,e. 13. returne. The fecond Anfwer was, in termesfomething diffe- rent

ri-%*Y i ..gret O! 4,WáiriÚ. 1,4415t a f.a' i6 C H A P. I. stn Evpofition upon thefirfiz V a ß.q.. rent from the difIinítion of ludgement,of eertaintie,and Charitie, (coffed at by this man; yet in fubftance all one. OF perfwafion in this kinde there are two degrees: the one infallible,the other morali or conieaurall Infallibly, k 3s,y tp: except by fpeciall Keuelation, as k A N A N I A S had for P A y L, none kuowes the elation of another: Conic- fturally,according ro euidences,which Charity is bound in fùch cafe, to follow, we may haueperfwafon of other mens eleEtion.And Inch I then refolued to be that know- ledge Paul here profelíeth : how truely wee (hall after- wards heare. Let vs now, firtF, fomething more fully explaine the termes of the Diftindion. Seco;dly, inquire, whetherit haue ground in the Word of God. Thirdly, afterwards of whether fort, in likelihood, this ofPauli was.For the fiat: Infallible certaintie vfually we call that, Citi non po. teftfubeffefalfitrn, wherein a man cannot bee deceiued. Charitable or conieEturall, that wherein it is poffible to erre and be deceiued. In both kinds we mutt remember to difcerne betwixt the thing whereof the certaintie is, and the certaintie is felfe. The thing whereof the cer- taintie is,is the Propofrrion wfeto the Anent is giuen. The certaintie, the Atrent ir.felfe. N'ecettarily muff thefe be dillinguifhed:for it is poffible to be vndoubtf ally and fully pertwaded euen of what is falfe : as Paul was vn- í 43. ,6. 9, doubtfully perfsvisded,that het ought to doe many things a- sainflthe Nance of Chrif his periwafion was certaine, in reipec`} of the Alient, yet the thing vtterly falle. And e- uen in iudgement of charitie,there may be a ftrmneiTe of perfwa(ion, and atfenr, though no trúth in the Propofi- SHG_ I Lion alienred veto. Infallible certaintie implyes both Certitrr- ieEi, there: Eft,ítrmnefre and fulnetre of affentin,. Secondly, diner?) fib certaine and neceiTary truth of that which wee are thus ict9i. firmely pertwaded of. That ofCharitie, may imply Come &lunelie of perfwaflon, imports not certaine and ne- celTarie truth of that whereof the perfwafion is. Whether ,r.;..,rg °

C N A P. I. Epiftle to the Tlaeffalenians. V nt. 4.. 17 Whether this diáination hath any footing in the Scrip. turcs, is the next inquirie. The 6ttl member is acknowledged by the Antagonift, Let vs fee whether the other may not find footing there. They deny the Lord that°' bought thew, and bring e° posa s pee. z I. themfelues fwifr damnation: after what judgment !peaks S.Petert of infallibilitie, or of charitie? I know, the man is as much abhorrent from that DiftinEiion of fufficieney and efficacie of Chrifts death, as from this, of infallibili- tie and charitie in point of iudgemcnr. I prrttsrme alfo he holds, that none of Chrifts redeemed are damned: yet of fbmc damned, faith Peter, the Lerdboaght them, expref- fing that periwafion,the Church had of the before their Apotlafie,Where grounded ?bur on that rule of Charity, a to Geleeueallgoodtkingsof ethers, inwbona wee fee no I nrcoca ;:f,. euiderace of the contrarie. Compare Aá. 8.i ;. Heb, to. zp, the fame Peter expre2ng the ordinary meafure of certainric we haue of ocher mens f nceritie,vfeth a word, importing, though not want of firm mac of his perfwa- f on, yet poiúbilicte of falthood in the thing. By Si L- v A N v s A faitbfnIl Brother to yen, ek vopí , 0 4$ ¡fu p ofe, o f Pet. s, t s. And realises he had enow fo to fuppofe,The man having Jo largely approued hinafelfe to the Church of God:only, becaufcin the thing he might erre, a tearmcis feletded, intplying,pollibili tic of his erring in the perfbn, yet fhf- fcienrly expreffing inch fîrwne&Te of pertwafion,as Cha- ritie following outward cuidences, might gather touch- ing his fidelitie. L1ke,fee PGilip.t.6i7. Collet. wee haue (cene the feble ofthe teranes; and in part the footing this DiftinEtion bath in theWord ofGod. Of whether fort was Paid, judgement here pre. fefTed? OF infallibilitie, faith the vpftart Prophet TrnnkZe; and thence is his collection: That one may know anerhers e- leEîion, or that one that is the Child of God, may infal- libly know the regeneration ofanother : of whom,I de- fire firft to know the quantity of his Conclufion,whecher C is

*rIZFï]get.: : 4"[7 18 x A r. r. An Expe ition upon the Aft V a R.4. is it vniuerfally or particularly to be vnderftood? may all know the cleftion of all? or is it the priuiledge of a few ? I purpofe not to quarrell about his making eleEtion and regeneration all ones I will rake his latter chufe, as a li- mitation or explanation of the former; that his meaning (hall be; the Elea, not before regeneration, but after, may know, the elation of others, namely, after they are once eft tually called: meaues free all the Regenerate or forre Certainly his reafons conclude as well for all,as forte: as well for weake Novices, while they are weake, as for ftronger men,they haue receiued his Spirit of difcerning: cacti there, be they neuer lb weake, are ['tibial s of one Kingdom,: Citizens of one Citie : Children of one Father : Seruants o f one Houjhold : Members of one Body: or if there be any other fimilitude,more lively expreffing our neere coniunEtion in the body of Chriñ; as well agree they to Babes in Chrift, as to ftronger men : like fay wee of the Commandements, ro put difference, to loue the bre- thren, &c. fo that his giddie difciples need no longer hang on him as their Oracle, to know their elation; for any Nouice in his Schoole, may as fully retueale to them, that their names arewritten in the booke. of Life. Truth is, it is neither generally, nor particularly true; but vniuerfally falle; that any man, without extraordi nary reuelation, knowes the eletion of another. Let vs heare his Rea(ón; firft, is from the neerenelre that is betwixt vs; we are fubieCts of one Kingdorne, Ci- l tizens of one Citie,Children of one Father:therfore one may infallibly know the cleftion of another. Cìbiel i, They that are fo merely linked together as fubieEts of one Kingdome,branches of one Vine, members of one Body, &c. may infallibly know the elation and regene- ration each of other. But the elth regenerate are thus neerely linked together, Ergo. 4n fw, The Pre potation is utterly falte: this neereneffe ofe our '%44;14:.s`a'w`. ÌQÌ' "q Y6%>+P

CHAe.t. Epifllesothe beffánw'r coniun Lion is no fufficient caufe of infallible knowledge of eleftion or regeneration; more then of the perfons, 1 thoughts, tpeeches,fecret anions one of another. Why may I not as well realbn thus ? They that are Citieens of one Citie, branches of one Vine, members of one Body, may know infallibly the perfons, names, fecret aftions,fpeeches, thoughts, each of others. But, the t' Spirits of the iuf made pet feE1 in bedues, all Gods people difperfed farre and wide ouer the face ofthe whole earth, are thus neerely linked together:therefore they may know the perfons, names, fecret anions; fpec- ches, one of another. And fo it (hall no longer be true that hay bath, 9 A- 8 R A H A M kkO2VeS VSstet, and ISRAEL LS tgnan/nt of vi; nor need.Papifts any longer talke of a fpeculwmTrinitatis, orrelation of Angels, or Coyle themtelues to detif e a meane of conueying our prayers, mentali or vocal] vnto the Saints departed; we haue all in a fhorr compendium, thenighneff'e of the bond; dead and hiring Saints are lin- ked, as members in one body; therefore may know each o thers wants, thoughts, anions; as well I dare lay by this Argument, as we,one the election & regeneration of an- other.Sir,let me know of you, 11th the Argument it felfe airoords not by any venue in it, your Conclu(on; How it is more auaileable to inforce knowledge of eleftion, then knowledge of mens perfons, anions, &c. linked in this bond ? or where you find Gods Spirit, declaring the vision and communion with the Father, and Sonne, and one with another, inferre as you doe, that therefore wee may thus infallibly know each others eleftion? The du- ties of loue, companion, r communicating gifts, &c each to others benefit,' finde in Scripture lometimes inferred from this ground : the infallible knowledge of each o- therseleftion or regeneration,] finde no where enforced out of our neere coniunttion. C 1

á1hp,iUw s áN` '"esikt0,6),Sk i i`é;3d". R ao Cm AP.! . tin Expo fitienvpon the fill V z 1.4 { c The fecond reafon taken from predictions of Prophets; It was prop'ieeied that the Elea regenerate firould infal- libly know each others election : therefore they may in- fallibly know each others election. That Confcguence is ñrme. But-where liane we the Antecedent? Etech.q4 -v. 23.1' They /hall teach my people the difference betweene the holy and prephane, and cufe them to difcerne betweene the vncleane' and the cleans. lßnfw, r But 6rrl,the man is deceiucd in Ailing this a prophecy: It is no predi1-ienof what (hall bee, but a prefcription of what fliould boo, as appeares to any man comparing the Veyfst,:s. Verles foregoing and following; as that they fhalmarry no widow, nor drinks wine, &e. foretelleth nothing, but prefcribes Lawes: whether to Pricls of lewes, or Mini - f}ers ofthe new Tef}ament, or Parlors in the Church of the Iewes,in the time of their reflauration,is guefliotaed among(( Interpreters. Secondly, but the queftions are, Era, wh ether this discerning be betwixt things clean and vncleane,or betwixt perfons dleane and vncleane.Second- ly, whether of cleánnetle Legall,andExternali,or Leuiti- calls or of cleannelfe- Internal/ and Moran. Thirdly, if of perlons cleannelfe and vncleannef ., whether of their 4iiiens,or State. Thee things fo different and various, as they are, fhould, mee thinks, not thus confufeelly bee fhuffled together: bee is -not ignorant, I thinks ( though fteait. Ir. ignorant enough)that there were of heafls f ióme clean:, force vncleane; as well in refpec of facrifce, as of pri- uate vfe: for eating, wherein this Indas lying Rabbin is become fo curious,thathe can reuiue the old ceremonial prohibition again(( eating S wines flefh,and yet fn caute- lous for his owneskinne, that he, though an Hog - hater, yet is no louer of Circumcifion. But to proceed with our Dif'tinEtion, there was of perlons likewise, an vnclean- i, 1 33 netl'eLeuiricall, by leprole,flux, touching of a dead s4, corps, and the like:if of this cleannetre and vncleannetfe of

C ti A P. I. Epìflle to the T'heffálonians. V a n. ç. 2 of things,the Text be vnderftood;what is the difcerning hereof to the infallible knowledge of eleftion ? if of per - Ions, in refpeft of Legali and Leuiticall cleannefie or pollution; how roucheth this the queflion ? firh thefe things might bee difcerned by fenfe; and the perfòn le- gally defiled, might yet be regenerate; the perfòn legal- ly cleane, an vnregenerate Cathaway. But yeeld we it fpoken of Miniflers, and people of the new Teflament, in typical! rearmes of the Law; there is yet nothing inferring power of infallible difcerning ele- Ction or regeneration of others: we can reach the people what is true, what is falle; what is orthodoxe, what he- reticall; what pious, what impious in doflrine : what is holy,whatvnholy; what good and euill in manners; and lo teach them that they may infallibly iudge of thefe differences of things, the Scripture hauing prefçribed o forme of wholefome doíhrine. Butfollowes it thence that they may infallibly know each others regeneration ? In no cafe: yeeld it 1poken ofperfons; there is a clean - neffe of tli a outward life;there is a cicannefre oleic hart, as there is a t filthinere of the flefb, and fpirit; Idolaters, 't z cera. t, Fornicators, vniuft perfons, &c. that are each habitually, in their outward life, wee teach to bee yr cleave : and to h'aue U no part r,or snheritMance in the kingdome of Chriff, and a Ephef f. f: of God, while they are filch : yea particular alts of thefe i emts 5,10. foule finnes,make them vncleane,quoad nos,till Inch time as they haue ratified repentance; yet God forbid, wee fhould thinke euery particular aft of vnholine(fe, to eui- dence a nu llitie of fancaification. In like fort where wee fee the life outwardly reformed, care to depart from eue -. ry knowne euill, to doe euety good duty of picnic, 1n brietie, iuftice, charitie; though there be tome intercur- rent infirmities, we teach Gods people, to efleemethem holy; but is this ef}imarefo infallible, that they may not erre therein? or is the cleannelTe of the outward lite, an C 3 vn-

BQ V'efiriY1ldRd0 .ác!kN`ali..' ._ .._. . .. . } 2z C a A P. i. 4n Expofition upon the, fire V a R.4. vndoubtfull euidence of the cleannef %of the heart in Gods fight, and I wonder what other euidence, ,but the ac}ions,this manand his Sectaries haue to fudge of rege- neration by : which,if they may be fo cunningly di6iem- bled,.as no eye of man can exactly put difference twixt them, and the fame in If aelites indeed ; that alto laid for s a P4r.6.30. ground, that Salomon hath, x Thou only, O Lord, knowefl the hearts of the children ofinen; how is the difcerning in- fallible, and foal as wherein we cannot be deceiued ? His fecond prophecie is that in Malachi, .Cap. 3. 18. Then ihalf ye return and *erne' bet ween the righteous and the wickgd; betwixt him thatferueth God; and him that fortieth him not. Therefore the regeneraee Eleft may in- fallibly know the elefïi ©n & regeneration each of other. A!-4 000 And why not as well therefore, very Reprobates may infallibly know the elation of others?for to chef-el-peaks the Prophet that in refpecl of their ptomilcuous enwrap - ping in common calamities, refolued, it was vainetoferue the Lord, Verfe 14i ¡5.. A day fhould come, when the Lord fhould make it apparent to the eyes of very Cath- y Pial.58.1t, wayes and Atheifts, that Y doubtleffe there isa reward for the righteous, verily there is a God that iodgeth the earth then fhould they change their mindes and lay, how euer they counted the life of Gods children madnef e,yet now they fee by experience in the day of the Lords retributi- on, Light ù laidfor the righteous, and ioyfull glaone fe for thevprigbt in heart. Molt and beft Interpreters vndcr £and the place of the day of generall lodgement : all confenr, that the people difcerning twixt righteous and vnrighteous, are thole Atheifts,mentioned Verfe 14. and the thing they fhould difcerne, the happy ejiate of Gods children, and their fell citie, not direltly their elation and regeneration. Good Sir, ifyee haue not by fingularitie quenched all feare of God in yeu, tremble thus to play with the Scripture,and to perrrert it to your owne, and o- ther mensdeft;raRion. 77!ísl4+.wx.; The

C H AP. I. EPiiile to the frheffalostiatts. V a R. .4.. 23 The third reafon as bee cals ir, from the leire to the greater. If wee can know common Graces, then much more true Graces. But common graces wee may know. Erge. (Mallon C ERE E?. v M metueret, greitin hac taw itt- confrderatédiceret : I had rather this man were affraid of a rof}ed Pigge, then that hee fhould prate thus idlely. It feemes bee bath heard of lòme fach logical' Argument; but Crow you, if he were examined, he knew how it pro - ceedes ? is your comparifbn of things, or probabilitie ? a Barbarian, I dare fay, I am unto him. Heare a realon cast in the fame mould:If a weake Nouice may know the principles ofthe beginnings ofChr, fl,thenmay he know the deeper Myfteries ofFaith. I f he be fit for Mikt,', much more for ffrongnamte.Negatiucly your Argument would follow well:If youvnderf} and not points of Catechifine, much le1Te profounder points of Faith. Compare you the probabilities and verifimilitude of the two; then know, it is not le1Te, but more likely, you (hould dif.;erne common Graces, of knowledge, vtte- rance, tongues, &c. then thole fpeciall, that accompany fàluarion: there being more meanes in your Di(ciples to manife(l, in you to discerne thole, then there. Their knowledge, by their tongue or pen you may fudge of; the fincere motions of their hearts, in Faith, Loue, Obe- dience. except the fearcher of hearts bee plcafed to vn- locke vnro you the clofet of their deceitful) hearts, you cannot poiiibly discerne. Fourth Argument,we are com- manded to put difference : therefore wee may infallibly know the Regeneration and EleZlion of another: for it is written, Offotne how compojronmangodifference, bide 22. How dare you thus daily with the Word of G o D ? The Saints are exhorted, in recouering the !educed by Herefìes,to weigh the qualitie ofthe offence;and there- to to proportion their proceedings in admonition, cen- C 4 lures, tQt7f 3iWe Anf»s.