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CHri.í ian Reader, the many literall andpunctual!faults,toje_ Cher with thofe that violate Ruler of Orthographie, impute ra- ther to others haft or ill fpeed,then to my ignorance or incircumfpe- îiion.c 3'fiftakes pervertingfenfe,or making the Author abfurd, bee ?leafed to corres with thy pen,bcfore thou reade. PAge 2.1 32.foroaght,aught&ll deineép. p.5 13 t. perfits p.,sora.rce p.11.14. Ryles, erfic deinceps.l.r.i. for be,is.l.zé.is.p.t;.1oudy.pa6.l.3z.worke ir.p.zz.l.;7.merom, p 27 inflï&ed 1.59.Hcliff's p.39.t.6.for hotneffe, whatnes.Item. 0E63,13. t s.xermo, . 68. t.for lelation,terolution.72.3 3.GmpJiciter.7 5.2 5.elicir. our gathering. 82.37.dele 1.84.a7.forindced,iud g ed.86.s.fgrgreater,generall.t9.thev were. ìhidem for lotfe loofe.88.2t.teftlefnC:z^,feenç rittng.89.zz;forimitate,mtimate.9'.4.certentic.00.a6. xTtsop, 93,16.apparitiogs.95.6,fu r commtsla;cunning.9.for in,is.u.for yet,yec.9;.7.fv+ell:nm words then follow of vnmetfali ty. zz.for 2&,r.98.3 3. for aptly, apertly, dpfrc[.ape deinceps. 502.26. to denote. to4.z9.fuIkeeping.;8.declerally.tos:to.know how.26.forpaffage,prefagc.ro9. t6.contiguous.17 homonumie. t io. z7. denoting.34.gawt verba.t 1 r.32. Baalifme. t1 3,3. fome few dales. t13.a5.for handihip,headfhip: i t 4. -.I1e confeffe.6:for Afher,Anfhe. t t 5.8.deleis. aó.porteata.nó.zs.butpafl]uely.3t.dele,properelement.it7.tó>,t.forexpe&, expiate.17. afcendi ng. t 8.dele,and. t z i.3 5 for fame, iure.;6. for adulce, aduance. 37. fia ergo... fz.fccond.134.24.fot alf.ada8.foroh,vah.125,i5:venditabic127 : for need,rcad.tzy.9. wordy.t 31.zt.tiaT]xoy.133.9 for api y,apertlÿ.z3.for bell, left.tor cduel], nouell ,134.31. for new now Antiquity. ti5 ì9. home- vr,:mc. rg,38. a'pxdtur. 139.27. Epithet. 142.8.foí bids, bindes.r46.z8 Lutheran.14 for as,is.149 3 t: in genere.l5 r.3,differred.37, for qualitas, generiuus.t5z.6.forvGng,poyfomng,©,decree. 156.;. for af- fent,afferr.1S9. at,in6mous.¢r tic delrtceps.160,8.forinflruQions,iniunâions.161.3t, for is, as. 166. S,for of,and lies. 67. N.for hope,ope,17..8.papifine. z1,dele,he. t.3 i8.for paçs,thats. 178.4.for Apofiles,Apoftates.36.for new, weartr. t8oy t 4, l n the choice.- i s. difpofe. 30. bath fecreted., 86.1 t. eramus.190.7.for,confuting, comforting.t92.z 10..tteitas. t9S.16.infi- diat.zor.30.ddiuered.acó:ó.more,none.zoy.z.befa11.4.for fecurely, fecuritie zto.19.disiun Qiuely.ztr.zo.fora2ioration,obduration.214,5.p4optpmcrir.t3.ofthefe.z14.a7.forfaith,fuch. , 28.for this,thus.zi 5.8. dele, to.; z.for bee,and bene. 36.crownes.or.azz.28.nice.3i. forcent, rour.iz;.29.váguing.2z4.4.if it.aaó.lo.legales.l3.difpeream.zz8.13.faithleffe.l5. for bief= fednes, blindenes.230.5.Argumcnt.232.32.Godscalled.z33.34eminenter.?7. for whence, where.335.16.for if,thar. 336.3.dolofuszs .by God.z;7.l.intuituprzeepti,as.forTo,Lo 238. 2o.nemora239.7.quzcunque. t;.for mu9,moff.14.for crofl,mofi.zl.fatting tram.z7.iufhtm. 34-for re&um,reatum.z4o.z4.for moderately,mediady.24t.14 & ay. Magrftr et: fc dein- ceps.;o.for oratur, order.;6. forboth,loth.242.9.diffolutas feopas,t+á.hath the nameate . sg4.1;, for dilaóon,dik&ation.245.8.for profir,perfeQ.rt.for alfec4ions,affe&uous.l9 for fame,fome. 246 t1.legatur.147.7.theAuayle.248.5.forpe3ueaing, reuentinga49.1.Roaghandrigid. so. manuali. zso.t 1.Iudex feriat.; 3.yr leüa?s 5 t.; thofe.for was,nowa7.dele ergo, 3'; fepáration. a52.3.& 19 donatians.4 for famis, apely,apertly.2.53.l,facns 255.44.forapett,opint 263.38 lincing. a64.12. A ft.2,3.Idioc idraane 267. t.forfollowes,Falles.5 wicked t 6. for h{c,ht<u 268.;.for out,eat.Yo.for bee.fce Molis.; 3.for the,then for exception;execution 2,5 for firength,flraites ; z.of precept. 276.3 5. for meum,nolirum477, r 5 if by pralepti- cal.a84.z5 for aptly,apercly 288.1.l1rengthener 291.4.forand; not.without.2934;8. conlèac. 295.17.for as,an 296.z.for fecretiv,tecurely.22.for flayne, a vertuous: 298 37.Bri tans.299.4.profecuting 300s vet is it vnderualne.;o1.14. itpivsr.334.24. weenei- ther.3o.thouldwebe.;o1.;4.f rpraued,prouoked.zó9.zr for moll liue,móflly 38.forrefpe&, refcue.27131,for herefie,hearefay,272a5.foìutiurifheth,monifbç his,this.