Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

/ 96' The Life of G-OD We Ihall find our hearts enlarged in To beget chari· charity tow<Jrds men, by con– ty·, we mu!l: refidering the relat ion where– member that all in they ftancl unto God, and men are nearly l rr f related untoGod. t 1e imprenes o his image which are'ftamped upon them·. They are ·not only his creatures, the work- ·l:nanfhip of his hands, but fuch of whoni l)e taketh fpecial cate, and for whon'l he Hath a very dear and tender regard; having laid the defigns of their happinefs before the foundation of the " .orld, and being willing to live and converfe with them to all the ages of eternity. The mean~ft and n1_?fi contemptible perfon whom we be• hold, is the offspring of heaven, one of the children of the Moll: High: and how– ever unworthy he might behave himfelf of that relation, fo long as God bath. not abdicated and difowned him by a final fentence, he will have us to acknowledge hi1n as one of his, and as fuch to embrace him with a fincere and cordial affection. You know what a great concern1nent we are wont to have for thofe that do any ways belong to the perfon whom we love; how gladly we lay hold on every oppor– tunity to .gratify the child or the fervant of a fri_end ; and fure our love towards God would as naturally fpring forth in charity towards