Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

iFt the Soul of .lv1an. 95 · and fins, and waited to be gracious unto us; wre.fHing as it were, with the fl:ub– bornefs of our hearts, and cifaying ·every n1ethod to reclain1 us. We fhould keep a regifi:er in our n1inds of all the en1inent bleffings and deliverances we have n1et with; fon1e whereof have been fo conveyed, that we might clearly perceive they were not the iffues of chanc.e, but the gracious ef– feCts of the divine favour, and the fignal returns of our prayers. - Nor ought we to imbitter the thoughts of thefe things with any harih_or unworthy fufpicion, as if they were defigncd on 'purpofc t0 enhance our guilt 9 and heighten our eternal damnation. No, no, my friend; God is love, and he hath no pleafure in the ruin of his - creatures. If they abufe his goodnefs, and turn his grace into wan– tonnefs, and thereby plunge themfdves into the greater depth of guilt and mifery,'' this is the effeCt of their obfiinate wicked– nefs, and not the defign of thofe benefits which he befl-ows. If thefe confiderations had once begot– ten in our hearts a real love and affeCtion towar~s al nighty God, that would eafily lead us unto the other branch t'Sofreligion; and therefore I ihall need fay the lefs of them. . ~ .. ~ ..,._- '>. We