Scougal - BR75 S3 1759

The hulifpenfo!Jle Duty. . have but our choice of thefe two, !eve .of. enemies, or dam11atioJ1. Nor can this feem unrea.fonable to any ·who conftders, that God as the author of our natures, the creator of all out: facultieS; tnay jufHy rule our inclinations., and dif– pofe of our love at;& affeCtion:· and yet he, is content (if I n1ay fo fpeak) to bargain) with us, and to buy offour natural, or ra– ,ther wicked refentn1ent$; offering us l1is ownn1ercy and favour, frecdotn fron1 heH,. and everlafting happinefs, on this, an1ongfl: other conditions, that v1e lo1;e ourenemies. Nay, farther, the duty is in: itfelf fo rea– fonable, tha't the n1ore fober - of the Hea– thens, who had nothing above reafon to teach the1n, have acknow l.cdged it, if not as. neccffary, yet: as highly be_coming,, and an etninent infiance of a virtuous a1'1d ·generous tnind. P !ato could fay, That in– jmy i.; by no means to be done, nor to be, re– paid to him, that bas done it. And when a n1ali-cious perfon fai-d to Zeno, Let 7[1e _t;er-i(!J if I don't do you a mifchi~f ;. his an– {\.r,er was, Let- 1ne perifh if I don't reconcile, ~bee to me, A#toni 11us tells us frequen t1y,~ That all rea/bnable creatures are born for ,'jJJ~ an&ther ;~ and that it is the -part of juflice ta bear with-,. o.thers .~ . T!Jat it is– tbroztg!t-